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  1. jonnyghost

    Some restaurant owners worry about customers openly carrying guns

    Guns are just a tool. They don't solve every situation. And sometimes there is no solution, some times you are going to die. I carry a gun for the times I can do something.
  2. jonnyghost

    Cheer up

    Good luck! Hope it turns around soon for him.
  3. jonnyghost

    Down in the Dumps

    Man that sucks. My family just got over some nasty chest cold. Hope he feels better tomorow!
  4. jonnyghost

    Some restaurant owners worry about customers openly carrying guns

    But it doesn't matter. They could just throw a coat over it. I don't open carry because I don't like to make people uncomfortable and it makes no difference to my effectiveness. Also people open carrying make me no more nervious than anyone else I see because anyone could be armed. Maine in the...
  5. jonnyghost

    Some restaurant owners worry about customers openly carrying guns

    Funny, seems to be quite the trend towards shooters going to gun free zones. Personally I'd rather be surrounded by armed citizens than unarmed sheep when the stuff goes down.
  6. jonnyghost

    Some restaurant owners worry about customers openly carrying guns

    It's the gun you don't see that should concern you.
  7. jonnyghost

    Students are offended by racist college food

    I wish I had nothing better to complain about. I wonder what's going to happen to these studens when they encounter real problems.
  8. jonnyghost

    5 reasons to consider using a suppressor/silencer

    Absolutely. I meant silent to humans :D deer are amazing!
  9. jonnyghost

    Six Americans killed in Afghanistan

    So sad. Just before Christmas too. My heart goes out to the families.
  10. jonnyghost

    Merry Christmas

    True and gotrenxy also said they would not be celebrating it, not that we shouldn't have a happy one.
  11. jonnyghost

    5 reasons to consider using a suppressor/silencer

    Spoken by someone who has never used a silencer or hunted. Don't take your facts from bad Hollywood movies. Trust me, a deer can hear you cock a gun at 50 yards away so I'm sure they'll hear the "silenced" gunshot from a lot further. Besides, the "fair chase" mantra was something thought up to...
  12. jonnyghost

    Deaf Unemployment Rate @ 72.5%...!!!

    It's hard for anyone who has some difference to get a job. It could be language differences or learning dissabilities or something phisical. I don't like it but it's a competitive market out there. The only thing I can do is work hard a proove I'm valuable.
  13. jonnyghost

    Merry Christmas

    One more day of work then I've got the rest of the week of with my family! =)
  14. jonnyghost

    "Get Out of the Car.....NOW!"

    I was eating lunch in a grocery store parking lot once when a man and elderly woman pulled up and the man (driver) got out and left the van running while he ran inside. Just when he walked into the building someone else got in the van and started to drive away. He got about 20 feet, looked over...
  15. jonnyghost

    Is a 16-Year-Old Mature Enough to Vote? This Campaign Thinks So.

    I think anyone who pays taxes should be allowed to vote. Mature enough? Heck no! But I know plenty of people well over 16 that aren't mature or responsible. I don't understand this “We need innovative solutions to figure out how we can get more people to participate in our political process.”...
  16. jonnyghost

    5 reasons to consider using a suppressor/silencer

    7up works the best but orange crush gives it a little ring :laugh2:
  17. jonnyghost

    5 reasons to consider using a suppressor/silencer

    Why would I do that? It's more fun to try and make arguments without your silly facts and logic getting in the way. :roll:
  18. jonnyghost

    5 reasons to consider using a suppressor/silencer

    Yes but a soda bottle can be attached with tape for the real hard core getto look. :lol:
  19. jonnyghost

    5 reasons to consider using a suppressor/silencer

    No hearing damage to people or animals around. They reduce muzzle flash and rise making followup shots faster and more accurate therefore also being more ethical to any wounded animal that needs to be quickly dispatched before it can run into the brush and disappear to die in the woods.