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  1. ohmylight

    meanings of tattoo locations

    Lol the photo got a LOT of comments on FB. One person posted it looked like maggots. That's the one and only comment I deleted because it was the most graphic. Hope moneybags tipped well. Lol
  2. ohmylight

    meanings of tattoo locations

    Weirdest tattoo I ever saw: An illustrated "Dickie bird" on a woman's thigh, visible with a short skirt. Complete with wings and veins. Pretty gross looking lol Worst tattoo I ever saw: A full torso covered in a portrait of hitler, tomb stones for Jews, and about 15 schwastikas. Also gross. He...
  3. ohmylight

    A smart phone app for finding hearing aids

    I do that with my compilot hahaha I take it off and it takes ages to remember where I last put it. Found it Wednesday night in my transceiver case in my camera bag. Lol Maybe when apple starts making everything they'll make "find my hearing aids" hahaha
  4. ohmylight

    Describing colors to blind people

    One of my old classmates is deaf-blind. It seems to be variable degrees of sight, like deafness. She's obviously got enough sight to see a close conversation, but she saw colors and she could see more detail in her peripheral. My friends dad is 100% blind and he senses colors based on how the...
  5. ohmylight

    Adding value for myself and others

    I used to reeeally dislike the iPhone (while I had blackberry) because of the lack of keyboard. Now it's worth it and I wouldn't change! Search for a "stylus" - I think that's what you're referring to about the "eraser"... I use one through meetings so I don't block my screen so much. Typing on...
  6. ohmylight

    I need ideas.....

    Learn to knit or make jewelry? Make drawings of all the nurses? Lol have you exhausted Buzzfeed and the Oatmeal? I love those websites and could kill lots of time!
  7. ohmylight

    Hearing Aids Mess My Hair- Suggestions?

    Haha I "accidentally" died my hair funny colors. God forbid the walmart box dye was messed up and it turned purple, not slight red brown!
  8. ohmylight

    meanings of tattoo locations

    Haha that's the other wrist... It was worse, more bone, and 3 sessions. No black. My shoulder is the same - no black. Only my words (neck, back, feet, hip) are black... All are Sanskrit or tibetian. Flowers are like my wrist. Look up the language of flowers (Victorian)... That's what my...
  9. ohmylight

    Hi, Im new.

    I loved sociology..... I dabbled with it but ended up studying psychology and art in undergrad. I started ASL too in undergrad and found I became very good friends with my classmates because ASL wasn't a fascination or the definition of who I was, just a common language :) Who's your...
  10. ohmylight

    meanings of tattoo locations

    Photo is attached.... So gangsta :laugh2:
  11. ohmylight

    meanings of tattoo locations

    I have "Nirvana" in Tibetian on my thumb/wrist on my camera hand. It's for a teacher/mentor who died of breast cancer last March because Nirvana means "the extinguishment of pain, life, and suffering"..... on my camera hand because she teased me into a full blown degree in art instead of just...
  12. ohmylight

    I need ideas.....

    Some sort of craft you've always wanted to learn how to do? Do you have an iPhone/iPad for cool apps?
  13. ohmylight

    meanings of tattoo locations

    Same, Ambrosia - they didn't post your sides! I have one full side and two on the sides of my ribs. I've got one that runs from the base of my thumb up my wrist... And another on the other wrist. I guess I don't pay taxes and am in prison according to this... Lol same with one on neck and on...
  14. ohmylight

    Hearing Aids Mess My Hair- Suggestions?

    I wear a headband everyday... And I've gone through all my CVS cheap elastic ones (they rip along the glue... One headband lasts maybe a week)... I got 2 like the bra strap style from Lululemon a year back or so...and that's one of my only ones left. So I got the threddies... So far so good.
  15. ohmylight

    Woman's Boston Marathon Bombing Costume: What It Says About Everyone

    Lynch mob! Lol sure I'm not the first person to make that joke...
  16. ohmylight

    Hi, Im new.

    Welcome, Sarahh! I'm from Upstate NY, I use HA and I'm Late deafened... I lost my hearing around age 19 and I'm 26 this month. What are you studying? What do you enjoy?
  17. ohmylight

    Which one u use for fingerspelling?

    When I'm voice off with some hearing friends who are just learning to understand ASL they can't get the sign with the right.... Somehow "like looking in a mirror" gets the point across. NEVER had a complaint from anyone - deaf, newbie, terp, or anyone. Maybe the alternative hand looks worse if...
  18. ohmylight

    Anyone have or had an weird/exotic pet?

    You need a monkey to learn the bad signs then :)
  19. ohmylight

    Anyone have or had an weird/exotic pet?

    Aww! I love tortoises. I used to have a turtle a long time ago but it outgrew the largest tank I could keep so it now lives at a pond with my friend's parents :)
  20. ohmylight

    City driver or country driver to work?

    I work from home :) When I meet with clients I schedule my meetings at a local coffee shop. It's a 10 minute bike ride from my home. Most of my shoots are done in the country/farm areas - no traffic!