Search results

  1. ohmylight

    What's a good show to watch?

    "The neighbors" is the funniest show on TV right now but no one has heard of it!
  2. ohmylight

    Emergency Situations

    I've used or still use many of these. Cell alerts work best. I watch tornado/hurricane warnings days in advance via Peepometer (iPad) or swackett (iPhone). No problems and it works great. I also use IFTTT and it texts me before snow or rain (the day before) There's a built in app for...
  3. ohmylight

    What's a good show to watch?

    I've enjoyed breaking bad, anything from American Horror Story, and Misfits (on hulu free)
  4. ohmylight

    Thinking about leaving my husband... any advice...?

    I agree with how much it sucks being cheated on. If it was me I'd leave them the first time they cheated. No respect. Playing devils advocate here though, guys often connect better physically and sexually to share how they feel. They don't process just hearing someone say they're important to...
  5. ohmylight

    ATTEN: whoever!

    I'd maybe suggest somewhere near Penn Station. Like someone pointed out.... lots of people flying, bussing, and taking the train in.
  6. ohmylight

    Hearing Aids Mess My Hair- Suggestions?

    lol I've NEVER encountered a vendor who wouldn't swap a color for something like that. I almost never order the pack as is... a pre-existing blue or something. Just ask if theres a color you hate.
  7. ohmylight

    Walk, Bike or Drive 1 mile?

    That's what I said above too. I have a citizen bike which folds up so people can't steal it. I used it all over NYC no problems during Hurricane Sandy.
  8. ohmylight

    What % of friends on your Facebook are people you've never met in person?

    You can't tag people on a pro page if you're not friends with them first. I'm friends with a lot of people I don't know or barely know. That also means I get a hell of a lot of invites for farmville and candy blah. Every last person who invites me to play a game gets blocked. Stupid invites...
  9. ohmylight


    Hubby might enjoy the book "Snoop: what your stuff says about you"
  10. ohmylight

    Walk, Bike or Drive 1 mile?

    Or a uno bike...
  11. ohmylight


    Thanatology and art therapy have a lot of cross over! You can help people tremendously with art. Kids in hurricane Katrina had art therapists flown in, as did Sandy Hook. So do adults.... It's just calming. I'm a photographer now. I finished the double major in art and psych and loved art so...
  12. ohmylight

    Any E-commerce Owners Here?

    I sell online but likely different than what you're thinking. Exclusively for my photo clients, but I use square for my market place. I don't love it... I'd love to find an alternative.
  13. ohmylight

    Favorite Christmas Carols

    You might enjoy the video I posted above... Lol it's goofy
  14. ohmylight

    Walk, Bike or Drive 1 mile?

    They make velcros which go around your pant cuff to make it "tighter" so it doesn't catch in the chain... Check out running shops... Mine are reflective from (an old season!)
  15. ohmylight


    lol one of my first phrases in french was "Je ne said pas encore morte" - I'm not dead yet. I learned it while studying... lol the test didn't kill me. I stuck a sign on the front door with that for my mom to come home to (this was 6th grade lol)... My first phrase in spanish was "Dame mas...
  16. ohmylight

    Walk, Bike or Drive 1 mile?

    Dear god. haha
  17. ohmylight

    Favorite Christmas Carols

    hahaha I used to work at Pacsun a longggg time ago while in HS. I have a love hate relationship with this (repetitive) song. "I want an Alien for Christmas" by Fountains of Wayne" fountains of wayne - i want an alien for christmas (lyrics) - YouTube
  18. ohmylight

    Walk, Bike or Drive 1 mile?

    lol derrrr of course lol sorry. If she was in Alaska or somewhere super cold these upcoming months it'd be fun to recommend a dog sled team..... that's a way to make an entrance :) I still stand by biking. Wear a silk scarf around your head under your helmet and you won't have hat hair...
  19. ohmylight

    ATTEN: whoever!

    Because EEEEVERYONE loves to work for free. hahahaha
  20. ohmylight


    Welcome! I studied psych in undergrad also (double major, art and psych). What area are you trying to work in - something that works with autistic people? My neighbor has two autistic twin boys. One of them is verbal and the other uses home sign.... signs that the family and teachers use but...