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  1. J

    Are you patient with new/slow signers?

    yeah everyone starts somewhere
  2. J

    Wearing hearing aids to bed

    I've never intentionally fall asleep wearing my hearing aid. It'd be too uncomfortable and then the ears need to "breathe" I also wouldn't want to risk breaking them somehow in my sleep.
  3. J

    Kangaroos duke it out on the street

    lol sounds legit
  4. J

    Why I don't like most hearing males?

    Interesting point... They may learn it IF there's something in return for them. Sex usually works
  5. J

    As a kid, what was your favorite TV show?

    The Big Bang Theory, Untold Stories of E.R. are 2 that come to mind.
  6. J

    What are you doing right now?

    playing fetch with my dog He has a good sized piles of toys
  7. J

    How do I find an interpreter for upcoming dr. appt.?

    who's responsible for taking care of that?
  8. J

    Best way to communicate with an Iphone?

    So, do I give my VP# to anyone that may need to contact me, not my cell#? Srry with all the questions, I dont keep up-to-date with technologhy very well
  9. J

    Best way to communicate with an Iphone?

    How is that different fron Ntouch? That is on my Ipad.
  10. J

    Best way to communicate with an Iphone?

    Yes, but what about needing to talk to a medical professional about appts., case worker, receptionist etc.?
  11. J

    Best way to communicate with an Iphone?

    Im getting Iphone soon. Do people still use TTY? Ive been hearing about VP a lot and that I have. My place no longers has landline service. My Iphone will be coming from Verizon as always had service with them. A question about TTY, how does that work with Iphone an communicating. Do I...
  12. J

    Abandoned 27 years ago, 'Burger King Baby' finds mother

    Nice to hear they plan to stay in touch. Blessings to them.
  13. J

    How is your weather today??

    with a few days into Spring, still feelin' like Winter.
  14. J

    What are you doing right now?

    sitting on comfty chair with dog next to me
  15. J

    Who is single here?

    Single here.
  16. J

    whats up all

    Greetings from down under all the snow in Michigan. Born and raised under the bridge of Lower Michigan. Above the bridge its the U.P. Profoundly deaf in right ear and HoH in left. Call me Jill or Jilly or Bean or JillyBean here. Found this place by searching forum to join