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  1. J

    Question, please.....

    If it may put me in jail, I don't do it. Only medical marijuana is legal where I live. And even with that seems to run into problems according what I see on the news.
  2. J

    Shutting everyone out

    I saw a therapist for awhile. One of his advice was to move on from people that aren't gpong to be supportive. Easier said than done. I'm pushing my mid-30's already. yeah... the ones I'd thought would be supportive aren't. When one tries to crawl out of a shell after so many years of...
  3. J

    Shutting everyone out

    Wished I knew that way back then.
  4. J

    Shutting everyone out

    Its a very bad habit I have that started when I was about 13 years old. I just didn't want anything to do with anyone. Not even with my parents, siblings or relatives. Same at school. I only spoke if I had to that was related to the class I was taking at the time. When I did work, same...
  5. J

    were you ever embarrassed being deaf or HoH?

    I gained confidence as I got older. Had too, it beats being miserable. Still gots long ways to go. I've met amazing friends along the way
  6. J

    were you ever embarrassed being deaf or HoH?

    I was born with moderate/profound hearing loss and wore hearing aids since age 2. At home, only my mother knew a little sign language. I was raised as if I was a child that could hear completely well in my family. Hearing aids can help a great deal but NOT a cure. I just couldn't tell people...
  7. J

    What are your favorite hobby?

    mine too. I spend a lot of time on the 'net and playing games on my Ipad and I'm far from obese. I eat generally healthy so that makes up for my "lazy" lifestyle.
  8. J

    Guy from Michigan

    hi from another Michigander
  9. J

    Being left out of friends and parties

    Thats how it was at the last job I worked. I was working an odd shift going in between 2am-4am then getting out between 1030am-1230pm. It was awful. I could never sleep right away when I got home. So, by the time most people were getting out of work and having a social life, I was sleeping...
  10. J

    Jessica Schilling from Michigan (NEW)

    Hello from another Michigander!!
  11. J

    If you dug something up from your yard what you hope to find?

    Intresting.... I'd love to find money and other valuables like in a box or time caspule
  12. J

    Being left out of friends and parties

    You're working in as what some would call a "toxic work environment". I've been there and HAD to quit for the sake of my mental and physical health. It usually doesn't get better the way the are treating you. My advice to you is get outta there soon as poosible and find something else to do...
  13. J

    Man, 90, facing jail time for feeding homeless people

    Utter ridiculousness is all I gotta say. What a sad world we live in being nice to someone then get in trouble for it.
  14. J

    This guy is crazy

    I won't be watching. It's ridiculous. One error in judgement in taking a a step can cost his life.
  15. J

    Happy Halloween!

    Happy B-lated Halloween!!!
  16. J

    How are you feeling today?....

    tired. the weather is gloomy and watching tv as of right now
  17. J

    Any cat lovers here?

    I LOVE cats too. Got one of my own. He's quite a character. I would have more cats in my home if my budget allowed it.
  18. J

    I pretended to be deaf just to keep my boyfriend

    Its hard buying into this story. Its one of how did you NOT know stories <facepalm>. The man had to be very gullible.
  19. J

    How do you make your coffee?

    I have one of those Keurig machines that I use and buy an assortment of coffees or I use the drip machine. I'll drink anything coffee and gives me a caffiene buzz. No decaffinated. blech! yucky!