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  1. J

    20 T-Shirts Only Serious Dog Lovers Would Wear!

    Thanks for posting the link OP. I loved some of them
  2. J

    What random stuff was revealed when snow melted that you saw?

    My dog does the same thing too with his hind legs! He's excited to feel the grass again
  3. J

    Palcohol, a powdered alcohol product, gets US approval

    Can't say what I think of it. Will people be more likely to O'D on it? I've read articles of people have O'D on caffiene powder. I'm a drinker myself and it sounds more safe to stick to the actual liquid form of alcohol.
  4. J

    What random stuff was revealed when snow melted that you saw?

    Grass!!! Dog poop everywhere at least in my yard there is from my little one. Beer cans
  5. J

    Is photo of baby in flag patriotic or disgraceful?

    I thought it was cute. It's just another way to be proud of the country we live in
  6. J

    Live above the bar?

    Where I live, theres a house that is directly across from the bar. A guy that used to live there would go the bar then walk across the street to his house, sometimes bringing friends along to party until the wee hours of the morning. I wouldn't mind living there.
  7. J

    What would you say....

    I've heard of pills that can be bought in smoke shops. I don't know how well they work. If someone ever ask me that, the answer would be no. I have no desire to be entangled in anyone's criminal activities
  8. J

    Prominent San Francisco book store closing

    It doesn't suprise me when a bookstore closes. Theres a couple Barnes & Noble stores where I live. I just wished books weren't expensive lol.
  9. J

    How many of you had parents who refused to accept deafness?

    by the time CC became mandatory, I was 10-11 years. I had the arguments with my so-called family about having the cc on while watching tv. And because I was HoH, they'd have a hard time grasping the fact just because I wore hearing aids, I still had a difficult time hearing cleaely. I...
  10. J

    Dentist charged in death of patient getting 20 teeth pulled

    that makes sense although a risky decision to make
  11. J

    Dentist charged in death of patient getting 20 teeth pulled

    Im shocked as to why anyone would agree with getting 20 teeth pulled all in the same day.
  12. J

    Honest..Relationship are not easy.

    Being with someone else isn't going to instantly make you happy. Grass isn't always greener on the other side. Engage yourself in things that brings joy and pleasure in your life. It will make you more attractive to others in seeking to be with someone
  13. J

    When was the last time you earned a gift card?

    Christmas, my parents got me a $25.00 Meijer gift card.
  14. J

    Habitual Drunk Driver Sentenced to Life in Prison

    thats sad the man couldn't sober up and stay that way before getting behind the wheel. He had many chances and failed to learn his lesson.
  15. J

    Whats your favorite baby Animal?

    kittens n puppies
  16. J

    which do you choose the hearing world or deaf world?

    I did that for the longest time pretending to be hearing. It didn't get me too far anywhere socially. Now mainly, I interact with Deaf and HoH, ASL students
  17. J

    Sledding is being banned in some cities

    I couldn't get the CC to work. Instead of banning it, encourage everyone to wear helments while sledding. Recently seen a picture on my FB a mom had her kids wearing one. Kids gonna get hurt. It's a fact of life. Whats next? Banning swimming at beaches/lakes? Banning trampolines...
  18. J

    IDOT to plant milkweed to help monarch butterfly population

    I LOVE butterflies. I enjoy hearing things like this
  19. J

    Do you play the Lottery?

    once in a great while, I'll buy a scratch off ticket. Not much of a gambler type person
  20. J

    Question, please.....

    I wouldn't either... I have to wonder if there is co-dependency issues involved. I've noticed parents who treat their children like friends have greater rates of addiction and alcoholism in the family.