Search results

  1. J

    What do u do on ur spare time?

    Attend Deaf events and any "private" parties/get-togethers I'm invited to. My social life used to be virtually non-existent before I knew about Deaf events in my area & getting to know other Deafies/HoH peeps. Fitting into the Hearing world for me was like trying to fit a round circle in a...
  2. J

    What is best way confront friend being negative about herself?

    Being the age she is and a life-long drinker 40+ years surrounded by other family members who are also alcoholics, it's a slim chance of her changing. LOL., Doubt her husband would allow that.
  3. J

    What is best way confront friend being negative about herself?

    She has a husband who is also an alcoholic, and 3 surviving adult children. 2 of them are alcoholics and the other is a recovering addict. 1 of their adult children passed on. When she is before her drunk point in drinking, she's seems happy. It's when in her "super drunk" stage after...
  4. J

    What is best way confront friend being negative about herself?

    My "friend" is a lifelong alcoholic. She has made comments about not caring if she gets shot in bad part of town & God can take her any day because of unhappiness on Earth. How I found out was reading messages on my sister's Ipad and her & my SIL were commenting on her negativity...
  5. J

    what is best device to watch netflix on?

    I have an Insignia tv/dvd combo that I use to watch movies
  6. J

    When do you comment on new friend's account?

    When a friend request is accepted, I don't go to their FB timeline to look at their past statuses. A bit creepy to do that. That's just how I feel anyways.
  7. J

    what is best device to watch netflix on?

    I use my flatscreen tv to watch. Can I change the settings on my ipad?
  8. J

    Looking for a roommate? What are some strange requirements?

    If you do decide to have a roommate, have a written & signed contract in case a problem arises. I never lived with a roommate so can't speak from experience
  9. J

    what is best device to watch netflix on?

    Is it easy to hookup to tv & use?
  10. J

    Anyone a Fan of "Yankee Candles"?

    Love them.
  11. J

    what is best device to watch netflix on?

    I want to restart my netflix membership. My one complaint is the cc on movies can be hard to read & not able to change the color & background. Is there a device I can buy that ables me to change it so it's easier to read?
  12. J

    Florida couple convicted of having sex on beach

    15yrs. is a harsh sententence between 2 people having consensual sex on the beach. Being banned from the beach/park sounds much more realistic.
  13. J

    What would you change about your past experience as a deaf student?

    I think Deaf and HoH are encouraged to be in mainstream classes to know how to interact with hearing world. It would be great to involve the whole class to learn asl when there's a Deaf/HoH student so they can communicate effectively.
  14. J

    German woman pregnant with quadruplets - at 65

    The kids will be lucky to see their mom live until they graduate from highschool. By then, the mom will be in her 80's and most likely needing help with her daily activities if not in a nursing home. Would you want your mother giving birth to a child at 65? I sure wouldn't. There's a...
  15. J

    Which AD members have you met?

    Only one that I know of is Derekbicycles. We meet occassionally through Deaf events.
  16. J

    Foods that help lower blood sugar

    after. Is there a taste difference doing it during cooking? I've never tried it that way
  17. J

    Foods that help lower blood sugar

    I always use cinnamon in my oatmeal.
  18. J

    If you work, what do you do?

    Out of curiosity, I'm interested what y'll do. Being out of the workforce and moderately Deaf, I'm hoping to find something to do. And without having a degree, makes it more difficult.
  19. J

    Whats your favorite Non-burger fast food restaurant?

    outta those listed, I picked Subway. I've gone there more often than the rest
  20. J

    Whats your favorite Hamburger fast food restaurant?

    me too although not liked the cashier who tried to rip me off last time I was there. The cashier tried to charge me for the whole meal deal when I had only specifically order the burger, fries and water. (I rarely drink pop) I eat out at fast food places few times a month. Culver's has...