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  1. E

    Where Does Your old PC Really Go?

    It may make the hard drive unusable for normal use, but it won't necessarily make the data irretrievable. Hard drives from the 9/11 disaster were recovered. Although they were typically physically damaged, data was (in most cases) retrieved from the platters. That said, the techniques used in...
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    in movie, "back up" jennifer lopez cry of guy has gf while she alone

    Yes but this isn't really a danger to your health. Nor is it likely to affect anyone else. In this case, relationships can be hard for anyone to deal with. Perhaps more so for people who show signs of being mentally unstable. Yes, I did criticize but I'm equally concerned. Good suggestion.
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    in movie, "back up" jennifer lopez cry of guy has gf while she alone

    I gave this one some thought and I'd go as far as saying that he needs professional help. Have you seen his posts? Pretty much all of them show some kind of fixation on girls and/or college. Many possible answers to his questions often involve the use of stereotypes (thus diminishing any...
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    in movie, "back up" jennifer lopez cry of guy has gf while she alone

    Personally, I prefer this version: "Before you criticize someone, walk a mile in his shoes. Then when you do criticize that person, you'll be a mile away from him and still have his shoes." I understand that but he doesn't have to be so annoying all the time. I used to think it was mildly...
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    in movie, "back up" jennifer lopez cry of guy has gf while she alone

    Why do you have to apply labels to EVERYONE? Did you go up to people in RL and say "Hello, this is my hearing girlfriend!"??????????? Wait, sorry, let me rephrase that: "This hearing girlfriend is my."
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    whats your linux

    Ubuntu 10.04
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    what is different at least age 25 of woman?

    What's with your obsession with asking questions about women, school and college? Seriously, you need a hobby! This is not healthy. If anything, it's creepy. Any answers to your questions would be stereotypical. (Assuming I've interpreted them correctly!) You should not focus on stereotypes...
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    Deaf Drivers in the World

    The whole excuse that you need to hear in order to be aware of emergency vehicles is complete BS. In the UK, we're taught to look in our rear view mirror every 5 seconds. That's also what the highway code recommends. Therefore, it would be difficult to not notice an emergency vehicle if you're...
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    "Hearing Impaired" = offensive?

    I don't think there's a single answer to this, as it differs from person to person. How hearing people actually perceive "deaf" vs "hearing impaired" in your case may just be a coincidence. In some cases, image may have something to do with it, especially to those who are ignorant with...
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    I think I want to stop using my voice. Opinions?

    It may seem like an annoyance to use your voice at times, but at the end of the day, you're most likely to do whatever is easier in any given situation. If it's easier for you to communicate via voice, that's probably what you will end up doing.
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    Windows 7 OS

    Windows 7 is designed to be more intuitive than its predecessors. Providing you understand the basic concept behind GUI navigation, it should be a breeze to get used to it.
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    Porn about absolutely nothing!

    Chicken Tikka Masala
  13. E

    UK: Disability Living Allowance

    Anyone here with a moderate hearing loss who claims for Disability Living Allowance? (Or any other benefit associated with deafness?) I used to get it when I was younger, but when I last applied (7 years ago) I got rejected. Not sure if it's worth applying for it again. Any advice/related...
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    Is this good or bad to you? (pet related)

    It doesn't look that bad. As long as he's fed and watered and gets a reasonable amount of contact with humans. That said, I wouldn't keep my dog confined to such an area though. The quality of life differs for every single dog, just like it does for us humans. My dog doesn't go out for walks...
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    Why do parents snob and wants me find wealth girl?

    This guy cracks me up. It's like a comedy.
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    StarCraft 2

    I thought about buying it but I generally don't like sci-fi games. I wish there was a AoE 4 :(
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    I met attractive russian girl today but ...

    "Stupid" is largely subjective. There's few people in the world who are completely stupid. Everyone has their talents. For instance, some are good at general knowledge, others are good at football while others are master chefs etc etc. Equally, everyone has their weaknesses. One common...
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    deaf cop

    I'm not hijacking the thread. There's nothing that states or implies that this topic may only be used to offer condolences. Of course, we're going to be curious as to the causes along with any other aspects of relevance to this tragic incident. Why? Because people care. If anything, the two...
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    deaf cop

    Is it likely that he would have been screwed either way irrespective of the fact that he's HoH?
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    deaf cop

    He wasn't deaf, he was HoH according to the article. Poor guy. :(