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  1. E

    soundbite: new hearing device

    Yeah, I'm still wondering that. My guess is that you will end up with a very sore ass the next day. I think I will pass...
  2. E

    soundbite: new hearing device

    The BAHA is often used when there are complications regarding the use of a normal BTE aid or similar. For example, if people have absent ear canals, a BAHA may be a suitable alternative. This "ITM" aid sounds interesting but is it practical? What about when you eat? Do you have to sacrifice...
  3. E

    If we were athletics, common interests but met someone is not athlete

    In the broader sense of your question (No need to focus on one particular interest) it depends on the person. As TXgolfer said, opposites often attract. Many people hate the idea of spending their life with someone who closely resemble themselves. Equally, many would rather spend time with...
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    Ask Q's 4 Matajan

    Did you ask them many questions? If so, how many questions did you typically ask per day?
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    Ask Q's 4 Matajan

    What is your favourite computer game?
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    Ask Q's 4 Matajan

    Ok, I have a question: What are your hobbies?
  7. E

    are stanford, georgetown, rit, syracuse, and etc. friendly?

    Unfortunately not. You will still be aware of their existence. My initial approach was to laugh it off and try and change spirit of the thread by doing so. Often, it's better to laugh at something instead of letting it bother you. However, this guy clearly has issues and some of the most...
  8. E

    good news!

    How about try and change your definition of "normal" to "different"? At least, in this context. The fact of the matter is that everyone is different. So given that everyone is different, that's what makes us "normal". No? Would it be normal if two or more people were exactly the same? Of course...
  9. E

    if you wore cochlear implant, will you become hearing?

    Nice post. Thanks for the insight. :)
  10. E

    Hi from the UK

    Welcome to the forum. I am also from the UK. :) Think of hearing aids as glasses. Only for your ears, and not your eyes. Once you start to see it like that, your perception of hearing aids should (hopefully) change! What type of hearing loss do you have? I assume a conductive loss? If so...
  11. E

    good news!

    Wow. So, you're racist too? I'm surprised why I seem to be one of few who finds your posts to be incredibly shocking, amongst other things. Also, please define "normal"? Subjective, yes. But I'm interested to hear your own definition as to what constitutes a "normal person".
  12. E

    How many have had bad dreams?

    I keep having bad dreams, but luckily I don't remember many of them. I only remember waking up each time and thinking "Wow, that was bad!" The only one I remember recently was being in a dark corridor, looking through a clear door and seeing a haunted figure slowly coming towards me. My eyes...
  13. E

    Ask Q's 4 Matajan

    But imagine if you're just that typical guy living happily and achieving your aims. Only to find that one day, you end up living with this guy. Playing 20 questions everyday would soon become a nightmare and all of a sudden, you'd think that you were living in hell.
  14. E

    I am against cochlear implant because it is cheat!

    I was quite impressed by the last topic of yours I replied to. Because for once, it brought up an interesting subject, at least one which was debatable. But now it seems that we're back to the stupid and offensive topics. Perhaps it would have been better if you had said "CI's wouldn't suit me...
  15. E

    if you wore cochlear implant, will you become hearing?

    I'm not so sure about this. For example, there's some people who can't see a thing without glasses. Does this make them blind? No. By medical definition, I don't think it classes them as being "partially sighted" either, but I'm not 100% sure on that.
  16. E

    Please drive careful (Not just texting while driving)

    Important thing to keep in mind is that roads are for cars, not people. People should cross the road with care. This is a message which doesn't get sent out very often and many people seem to forget what they learned at nursery school. Many expect or assume that cars will automatically stop/slow...
  17. E

    is true that should not tell girl i was broke up with someone before?

    Just give her a hug when you meet her and say "I want to bang" It is really quite easy.
  18. E

    is true that should not tell girl i was broke up with someone before?

    This clip tells you all you need to know about dating: YouTube - Borat - Dating Service Skit
  19. E

    how can you identify hearing person on picture?

    If you ever need a compliment to say to a girl just say: "I'd love to bang you very much!" But whatever you do, just don't say it to any relatives.