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  1. E

    Ear pressure issues

    Just been to see my Doctor. He took a look inside and confirmed what I said. The eardrum isn't equalising with the pressure and he said that the drum is "pulled back". It is perfectly clear inside my ear, so I've no idea what caused the problem. I've been referred to an ENT consultant but...
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    Ear pressure issues

    I am guessing you had a cold that day? I had a flying lesson once while I was suffering from a cold and I had that exact same issue, we were only at 3000ft and the pain was unbearable! Good job I wasn't the only one flying the plane! Only hay fever but I haven't really had many symptoms of...
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    Ear pressure issues

    Less than 500ft. It started to happen shortly after I started using a mini-BTE instead of a normal BTE (with a fitted ear mould) I'm not sure whether this has anything to do with it, or if it's just a coincidence.
  4. E

    Question about facebook and my daughter.

    I'd say she's too young to venture off into the online world. As already mentioned, it's also against Facebook's terms and conditions. That alone should answer your question. Imo 13 is a good age to let youngsters engage online.
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    Ear pressure issues

    Hi, Recently, I've had problems with ear pressure. For example, if I'm driving and if I go up or down a hill, the pressure in my ear will change and I will be unable to hear very well for awhile. Often it's possible to equalise the pressure by swallowing, or by pinching my nose and blowing out...
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    Letter: Don't use term 'hearing-impaired'

    I thing it's important to put things into context here. Perhaps people don't understand the concept of a context and maybe that's why they have misconceptions regarding the true meaning behind some of the terms used here. In this case, the term "impaired" only becomes applicable to you when it's...
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    Letter: Don't use term 'hearing-impaired'

    It annoys me that some people find the term "Hearing Impaired" to be offensive. I don't think anyone can argue with the fact that it is a VERY accurate term. So why not use it? Sure, if people use the single word "impaired" to refer to someone who is HoH, then yes, it's quite understandable how...
  8. E

    How old are you? :)

    23 :wave::wave::wave::wave::wave::wave::wave:
  9. E

    Any advices about Laptops or Notebooks?

    There's no plural for advice. Sony Vaio's are overpriced. Toshiba's are not brilliant. HP and Dell are the market leaders. As for exact specification, it depends what you want to do with it. If you only want it for general use, a mid-range laptop would be the best value for money.
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    New girl here! Read a little info...

    I'm in my 20s and I'm HoH. No wife and no kids! Where's Matajan?
  11. E

    I met attractive russian girl today but ...

    I think you should give up. Fact is, you're not gonna hold down any relationship with an attitude like that. What girl would want to date an arrogant, bigoted, racist and shallow man? Seriously, you should stop suggesting that these girls have problems. It's YOU who has a problem, not them.
  12. E

    Im confuse and lost need help..please

    Hmm this isn't an easy one. It seems like you will have a hard time trusting him and it seems that there's too many other complications which will prevent you from ever becoming a proper "item" (Being married + living in a different country etc etc)
  13. E

    BAHA = Painful!?

    Not sure, maybe I should go and see my Doctor about it. Problem is, half the time he's like "I don't know. You need to ask your ENT consultant!" I wish I didn't have the BAHA tbh. It has left me with a small dent in my head where the skin graft was taken. It's not noticeable unless you feel...
  14. E

    I should not depression when met college girl

    Many believe that confidence is one of the most important attributes when it comes to attracting the opposite sex. (or the same sex - if you're into that kind of stuff) Clearly, depression is not a sign of confidence. If it's really an issue though, you should probably be dosed up on Prozac...
  15. E

    BAHA = Painful!?

    Over 10 years ago, I had a BAHA fitted. Within a year, the abutment (titanium screw) completely fell out, leaving me with a temporary hole in my head. Problem is that I still get occasional pains where my BAHA once was. Sometimes the pain comes on completely randomly, other times they are...
  16. E

    CI surgery, any post surgery advice?

    Spend the day laying on a sofa, eat soup, watch TV all day and get everyone to be your slave for a week.
  17. E

    Ask Q's 4 Matajan

    She told me that she really likes you and that she's just playing hard to get. She doesn't want to seem easy! You need to make more of an effort. Why don't you ask her if she wants to go running, or play tennis with you? OR, you could even ask her if she wants to play computer games with you...
  18. E

    Studying for Driver's Licence

    First problem here is that you say "his dad" wants you to teach him to drive. Forgive me if I'm reading too much into things, but it should be the son who wants you to teach him to drive. Communication is key here. If someone has no way to communicate effectively with another person, they're...
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    Ask Q's 4 Matajan

    I bet this was how Matajan went in to her place of work and approached the situation: YouTube - Very Nice, How Much? - Borat
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    Problem with this is that jealousy (on any side) can potentially cause complications. You could end up losing friends over it. Also, the concept is not widely understood and some may deem you to be a player. You could end up achieving the exact opposite because of it. I think the best...