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  1. E


    Have a few drinks before you go. Good luck!
  2. E

    Deaf Cruise Hawaii 2011

    I went on a cruise this year and it was awesome. They're essentially floating hotels with everything at your doorstep. There was always something to do and our itinerary meant that we had a change of scenery everyday. I never got bored, not once and I'm only in my 20s. (Not your typical cruiser!)
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    What is your favorite tea?

    I'm from England and this may come a surprise to some, but it's actually uncommon for us to drink speciality tea even though it is widely available in most supermarkets. Many brits would probably be baffled when they see some of the types of teas which you guys have mentioned lol. Here, we tend...
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    Is being deaf a disability or not?

    Well yes, that's true. Nobody is perfect. Your example makes perfect sense in your first paragraph. The only reason it doesn't sound right is because it's perhaps not the best term to use. If you refer to the dictionary definitions for "Disability" you will see that there's several definitions...
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    Is being deaf a disability or not?

    While it may seem strange or somewhat humorous, it's true. Deafgal, you don't need to have a "disability check" because if your artistic skills are somewhat lacking, all you need to do is practice and perhaps even take some art classes! Look at the example given in definition 3. and you will...
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    Is being deaf a disability or not?

    Having a disability is NOT the same as being disabled. These are two different words with very different meanings. Sure, if you're disabled then you most certainly have some sort of disability. However, it's possible to have a disability while not actually being disabled. I would argue that the...
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    Is being deaf a disability or not?

    I see it as a disability because it makes some things difficult for me to do. In some cases, things may be impossible for me to do. Some narrow-minded people don't accept the term "disability" because they can't distinguish the difference between "disability" and "disabled". These people are...
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    kind of confused..

    Yeah, there's nothing wrong with that.
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    Cholesteatoma of the Ear(s)....

    Was it an ENT doctor/registrar/consultant or just a normal GP? (I believe they're called family doctors in the US?) If it's just a GP, he may not be qualified or experienced enough to make such a diagnosis. A Cholesteatoma is definitely a condition for the specialists to deal with. With a bit of...
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    Cholesteatoma of the Ear(s)....

    I'm sorry to hear about that. A Cholesteatoma is a benign tumor (non cancerous) and it's potentially very serious. I've had one before and I've since learned that there's a chance that it may return. They can have fatal consequences if they're not dealt with, this is because they can be...
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    Hi ... Need help !

    Please don't bring religion into it. Not everyone is religious and some may not appreciate it. I am a Christian but I don't preach or otherwise inflict my religion on anyone else. Some may even find it offensive if they belong to another religion and this should be respected. Based on her...
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    Words of Encouragement?

    It's very hard to give helpful advice without knowing the scenario you're in. The advice people can give here would probably be rather broad. I.e. advice that could apply to anyone. (As proven by the posts above!)
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    kind of confused..

    How old are you may I ask? This matters because it's more difficult to give advice without knowing whether you're a kid, adolescent or an adult. Are you sure that this isn't her way of telling you to back off? A 3 year age gap is nothing... If anything, it's probably a typical age gap. Heck, I...
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    Second Life

    Many of us enjoy socialising online, because it's often easier for us. With that in mind, has anyone here tried Second Life? Basically, Second Life is a virtual world where adults can create their own virtual characters. You can make your character look however you want. In a way, it's like The...
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    Hearcing Concept

    Interesting yes but I think most people will share the view as what was expressed in the first 2 replies. If that's the case, I doubt it will take off given that there will be a lack of demand for such a product. Shame really. If it did take off, you'd have the potential for a powerful yet...
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    How do you handle socialization?

    For years, I used to believe that I had serious personality issues, simply because I just couldn't integrate in groups very well at all. Of course, this made it more difficult for me to make friends with hearing people. I have a moderate hearing loss, but I still struggle. In group situations...
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    Odd questions from hearing people

    Yes, I am exactly the same! I don't like eating in busy restaurants with more than one person/friend, simply because I find it too difficult to hear what's being said. + When you're eating, it's actually harder to hear anyway. I guess I often prefer eating alone, because then I can enjoy my food...
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    Computer users with no virus/malware protection

    It's a well known fact that antivirus software has an impact on system performance. How much depends on a number of factors. It may be noticeable to some, but not to others. I have a mid range Intel quad core PC with 3GB of ram. I also have Norton Internet Security which I got for free...
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    Captions in cinemas

    Is it true that if you go to a cinema, you can ask them to enable captions? I know many cinemas schedule films with captions, but I'm not sure if you can ask for it to be enabled. I'm sure that would p*ss off many hearing people. :D
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    How long do you get used to wearing new BTE HA molds?

    I guess they usually took me a few days to get used to them. If they were not comfortable, I always had to go back to get them adjusted. Problem was that my audiologist always recommended trying things before making any adjustments! I don't wear conventional molds now though. Imo conventional...