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  1. E

    Purpose of swim molds?

    For years, I've been wearing swim molds whenever I shower because I'm "not to get water in my ear". However, I've been doing this for years without knowing why! Does anyone know why it's generally necessary for people to wear swim molds? I'm hoping that there's a generic answer for this...
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    North Tower Exploding on 9-11

    That's not quite true. "Atta began flight training on July 7, 2000 and continued training nearly every day. By the end of July 2000, both Atta and Shehhi did solo flights. Atta earned his private pilot certificate in September, and then he and Shehhi decided to switch flight schools. Both...
  3. E

    North Tower Exploding on 9-11

    Jiro, if you had some training in a Cessna 172, you would be able to operate the control column (Yoke) along with the rudder in order to carry out basic manoeuvres, in any aircraft that uses a yoke/rudder, including a Boeing 767. That is not to say that a some training in a Cessna 172 will teach...
  4. E

    North Tower Exploding on 9-11

    No but you don't need to be a commercial pilot in order to realise this, nor do you need to be a commercial pilot to be able to understand the evidence given. You just need a basic understanding of the fundamentals of flight and navigation concepts. Sure, to be able to safely fly a Boeing 767 in...
  5. E

    North Tower Exploding on 9-11

    You say this even though the counter argument in that document (the one you provided) is contrary to your view. It doesn't debunk what I said at all. In fact, it's in-line with what I said and I agree with what was said entirely. Here's the conclusion of the counter-argument in that document...
  6. E

    Those of you who smoke cigarettes

    Imo they should just ban tobacco altogether. It has been proven that tobacco is more addictive than heroin. I agree with the motto "All things in moderation" but it's difficult to do something in moderation if you become addicted to something! Even cannabis has been proven to be less harmful...
  7. E

    Child related question

    Without having more information (I.e. the name of his condition) nobody here will be able to give much conclusive advice I'm afraid. The reason for this is due to the fact that there's many causes for deafness, the scope is huge. Some causes are hereditary, others are not. Some types are...
  8. E

    Those of you who smoke cigarettes

    My parents have given up smoking for over a month now. My father used to smoke 30-40 a day. They now suck on these nicorette things when they feel like they want a smoke. Important thing to remember is that different things work for different people. If people place high importance on actually...
  9. E

    North Tower Exploding on 9-11

    Certainly not me. I am tired of arguing with people who believe in these conspiracy theories, whether it be online or in real life with friends. The only reason I do it is because I like to help by educating people on the matter, but that doesn't always seem to work!
  10. E

    North Tower Exploding on 9-11

    It's funny how you say it's admirable considering you clearly haven't even read more than the first two pages. Had you read it in its entirety, you would have noticed that all of the conspiracy arguments were in fact debunked within the document itself!!! (Refer to the text in bold within the...
  11. E

    North Tower Exploding on 9-11

    The main differences between flying a Cessna 172 (or most light GA aircraft) and a Boeing 757/767 are the systems and obviously the size & mass. However, the basic flying principles are still very much the same. While the 767 uses FMS (Flight Management System) for primary navigational purposes...
  12. E

    Any girl gamers?

    WoW only gets fun once you reach the maximum level. (Currently 80, soon to be 85) I found the levelling process to be painfully boring, not quite sure how I managed it!
  13. E

    High gas prices likely to effect holiday spending this year

    Well fuel is around $2.00US a litre here in the UK, so think yourselves lucky! Fuel keeps going up here too, so all this about "prices dropping abroad due to the weak dollar" makes little sense to me.
  14. E

    why do lawyer must be intelligent?

    Only that when faced with having to tackle or comprehend simple logic, he will be completely baffled. Hate to say it, but this guy may as well be from Mars.
  15. E

    I bought my friend lingerie

    I bought my friend lingerie the other day but now her asshole bf doesn't want her to talk to me anymore. Who is right or wrong here?
  16. E

    hearing friend will like you if you talk about academics and career life

    Just as well because not only would it take you all day to read, it would also take you twice as long to make any sense of it. I think it's called brain pain. I previously said I'd ignore his posts but I always find myself strangely intrigued by what he says.
  17. E

    Wearing beanies

    See, this is what annoys me. I know it's courteous as you say. It's considered the polite thing to do. But why is it considered to be courteous? Why is it considered rude not to remove your hat? I am certain that nobody will be able to provide an answer that justifies the convention. As a result...
  18. E

    hearing friend will like you if you talk about academics and career life

    Firstly, you need to improve your grammar if you're going to expect people to take the time to read your posts. You could also improve the way you structure your sentences as they're often incoherent. While less critical, your paragraphing could do with some work too. Normally I wouldn't say...
  19. E

    Any girl gamers?

    I play WoW and I know a few girls who play it. Though, I wouldn't say any of them are "normal" lolol
  20. E

    Wearing beanies

    Yeah but for some people, it is necessary. (although perhaps not quite to that extent) Sometimes it is better for hearies to make more effort than it is for them to make no effort. It's just not really necessary for me. My way of avoiding situations like that is by not drawing unnecessary...