Search results

  1. K

    which texas or florida to move for job?

    Wirelessly posted Go to Texas rather than Florida. Life in FL is hell and boring, the only good thing about FL is the weather. Texas got nice cowgirls and nice Mexicanas, also Houston/ Dallas got everything and this is why Texas slogan are "Everything is bigger in Texas" I lived both of...
  2. K

    Anyone in Atlantic City, NJ?

    Wirelessly posted I just moved to AC this month and at least I can walk around the city. I am looking forward to make new deaf or hard of hearing friends, however my ASL is neglected as I did not sign it for 5 years so I hope you can bear with it but it will get better if you let me practice...
  3. K

    As A Child, What Was Your FIRST Sign Language?

    I would say "hi" was my first language.
  4. K

    How many of you don't wearing HA/CI?

    Well, I am one of them. I am very picky when it come to hearing aids because I do not like the crappy quality and prefer the best quality. The problem is I am poor as my parents/siblings are foreign except for myself. I'm forced to analyze what they are saying and I used "what?" sometime, but...
  5. K

    Goodbye Forever!

    Amen to the family-made Mexican food, it taste way better.
  6. K

    The effects of Chili

    lol, it true. It that the body can't produce too much "Pain" signal, so u get less spicy if u eat them a lot.
  7. K

    If U.S.A. was invaded tonight....

    Wherever I live, but we will give supplies to another community that need to fight off the invader.
  8. K

    If U.S.A. was invaded tonight....

    I would fight for the community's survival, not for the state, racist or rich people.
  9. K

    Halo 3 or COD4 better?

    On the computer
  10. K

    Halo 3 or COD4 better?

    Call of Duty 4 is like realistic and modern version of Call of Duty 2, except is that it is more focus on teamwork, which it did well.
  11. K

    Hey to all of you

    Hello! I from Naples, Florida but grew up in Manhattan. I tend to be interested in political debate and economy debate. I am agnostic, see religion as a false institution but do read Bible, Koran, & Torah although not too much. I am hard of hearing on both of my ears, but I do not know the...
  12. K

    Which Party Are You?

    Anarchist/ Left-Communist here.
  13. K

    Confederate Flag

    It depends who you ask, some for the government style, some for racism, some for history value, and some for at all. But the most I knew is just using it as to defend themselves from the pressure of Northern awkward culture.