Re: Re: What's your element?
Which is..? If you're referring to the eastern zodiacs, that would be wood, fire, earth, metal, and water. I just follow the classic western zodiacs and celtic stuff.
Oh thanks matty. I was a member of AD v1 then never bothered to reregister until today. I got a long way to catch up, and final exams comin' up to boot. :shock:
What's your element? Let's see who has the majority rule of AD :D Use the table below if you're not sure:
Gemini - Wind
Libra - Wind
Aquarius - Wind
Aries - Fire
Leo - Fire
Sagittarius - Fire
Taurus - Earth
Virgo - Earth
Capricorn - Earth
Cancer - Water
Scorpio - Water...
:eek2: Dolls? I have specific type of dolls that I dread. Those old porcelain dolls with glass eyes like from early 1900's. *shudders* Oh do include clowns. Clown dolls is very welcome to be tossed in the hottest furnace. Real clowns, I'll become violent if they come too close to me...
I've seen enough freaky stuff that I will NOT deny that such thing exists. However, I don't believe in and trust photos and movies of ghosts because they can be easily "doctored". Gawd knows, there's plenty of hoaxes in the world.