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  1. S

    What's your element?

    Not necessairly.. here's the rule of thumb: Wind defeats water, water defeats fire, fire defeats earth, and earth defeats wind. :)
  2. S

    What's your element?

    Re: Re: What's your element? Which is..? If you're referring to the eastern zodiacs, that would be wood, fire, earth, metal, and water. I just follow the classic western zodiacs and celtic stuff.
  3. S

    What's your element?

    Oh thanks matty. I was a member of AD v1 then never bothered to reregister until today. I got a long way to catch up, and final exams comin' up to boot. :shock:
  4. S

    What would you do..

    Oh boy, i'm sorry i clicked on this thread. :eek:
  5. S

    What's your element?

    Yeah wind and air are same thing.
  6. S

    What's your element?

    What's your element? Let's see who has the majority rule of AD :D Use the table below if you're not sure: Gemini - Wind Libra - Wind Aquarius - Wind Aries - Fire Leo - Fire Sagittarius - Fire Taurus - Earth Virgo - Earth Capricorn - Earth Cancer - Water Scorpio - Water...
  7. S

    Are you scared of ...

    :eek2: Dolls? I have specific type of dolls that I dread. Those old porcelain dolls with glass eyes like from early 1900's. *shudders* Oh do include clowns. Clown dolls is very welcome to be tossed in the hottest furnace. Real clowns, I'll become violent if they come too close to me...
  8. S

    Proof of the Supernatural

    I've seen enough freaky stuff that I will NOT deny that such thing exists. However, I don't believe in and trust photos and movies of ghosts because they can be easily "doctored". Gawd knows, there's plenty of hoaxes in the world.
  9. S

    Today is Alex's Birthday!!!

    Happy B'day! and it's funny that i returned to AD on ur b'day. *wrap myself up in gift* lame gift eh?