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  1. softabak


    Hi everyone! Does anyone here do cosplay? This year for Halloween I was Sailor Jupiter! I bought the costume at Value Village (a thrift store in Canada). I had to wear leggings with it because the skirt is very short and I work in an office. Also I apologize about the one picture being...
  2. softabak

    Stories and Poetry, show of hands?

    Most were back in high school and I don't think I have them anymore. :( if I do I will email you! :3
  3. softabak

    Overdone hello title.

    Hey welcome! It's cute you're learning ASL with your mom. ^^
  4. softabak


    This is so cute!
  5. softabak

    Stories and Poetry, show of hands?

    I used to write a lot of poetry and had started writing some short stories but never finished them. They were mostly of a fantasy nature type of thing, which is strange because I don't really read any fantasy at all. How about you?
  6. softabak

    Happy Monday!

    I think "Happy Monday" is a bit of an oxy-moron.. hehe. :)
  7. softabak

    Hello - info needed

    Welcome! Have you tried looking at college or university programs near you? They won't be total ASL but a lot more than two hours a week.
  8. softabak

    Hello! New ASL student here :)

    Welcome! Good luck with your studies!
  9. softabak

    Faking conversations?!

    I eat at Subway almost every weekday and I have a little notebook that I write my orders down on. I just hand it to them. I go to the same one all the time so the people there know I'm deaf. I go to the Booster Juice next door and they have my order memorized (sad, I know). As for...
  10. softabak

    Hello and a few random facts

    Haha love your introduction! Welcome!
  11. softabak


    Welcome! I think it's great you are learning ASL to use when you become a nurse!
  12. softabak


    Thank you! I'm going to miss it. I really look forward to it every month.
  13. softabak


    Thank you!! :)
  14. softabak


    The first one? It's from Banjo Kazooie, a Nintendo game. Or do you mean it doesn't fit the style?
  15. softabak


    Hi everyone! So Nintendo Power is coming to and end at the end of the year. I've been getting the magazine in the mail as long as I can remember (I'm in my twenties now). I have decided to take a shot and send two of my pen and ink drawings in, in hopes that I get into the fan art section...
  16. softabak

    Debating going silent.

    Yeah I agree. I like the idea of not speaking and moving my lips. I don't know how people would take that at work. I was moved yesterday and I didn't have to deal with that supervisor at all. I wonder if she is just bored and insecure with herself that she feels the need to do so? There was...
  17. softabak

    Debating going silent.

    That's great advice! Thank you!! I can add it to my email signature at work. :) Hope you don't mind!
  18. softabak

    Hearing parents and siblings, HOH 9-month-old.

    He's soooooooo cute!!
  19. softabak

    Hearing parents and siblings, HOH 9-month-old.

    Maybe give him time to get used to them? If you want his attention, try flicking the lights on and off in a room.