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  1. softabak

    Theater chains won't show "The Interview"

    I don't think a movie should be made about assassinating a living and current leader - no matter who they are or what they've done. It's not really appropriate. Would a movie about assassinating President Obama fly? I'm going to say probably not.
  2. softabak

    What was the last movie you watched?

    Thanks! I'm going to ask my boyfriend to get it! :)
  3. softabak

    The Last Drawing

    Thank you very much! I was Sailor Jupiter! :) :)
  4. softabak

    The Last Drawing

    I'm back! Sorry for the super late replies! Thank you for all your kind words! It's been over 2 years since this person passed away - but I still have the drawing. I haven't done any art in awhile but I want to get back into it!
  5. softabak

    Coco Chanel was a Nazi spy, documents reveal I watched Coco Avant Chanel a few years ago - and I felt like it glorified her to be this "wonderful" and "amazing" woman. Then I read the above article and it totally changed my mind. My Gran told me some...
  6. softabak

    What was the last movie you watched?

    I still haven't seen this! Everyone is on my case to watch it. I better get on it!:hmm:
  7. softabak

    What was the last movie you watched?

    The last movie I watched was How to Train Your Dragon 2! I CRIED! So sad! But it was really good!
  8. softabak

    New to

    Hey welcome! :)
  9. softabak

    My Activation

    That's amazing! Congratulations!
  10. softabak

    Subtitles & captions

    I live in Canada - live captions are TERRIBLE. Also they make it really freaking difficult to figure out how to turn the CC on tv channels. When I like a show, I usually just buy it when it comes out on DVD so I can have the CC on easily. There aren't captions for commercials though. Also I have...
  11. softabak

    Speaking clearly

    Practice talking in the mirror so you can see how your mouth moves maybe? That way you can actually see if it's hard to read your lips or not.
  12. softabak

    Hello from Ottawa!

    Thanks guys!
  13. softabak

    Anyone here plays video games?

    I do!! I'm a huge Zelda fan! I used to play WoW but the internet got really slow at my house - so I haven't played it much for awhile. What about Kid Icarus?? I love that game! The new Smash Bros is awesome too!
  14. softabak

    Switched at Birth - Do not read if you haven't watched last nights episode!

    HAHA Soulchill! Too funny! The next season starts on Tuesday!!! So excited!!
  15. softabak

    Hello from Ottawa!

    Hi everyone! I've been gone for awhile - but now I'm back again! Just saying hello from Ottawa, Canada! I look forward to chatting with everyone! I have severe HOH in both ears, and I wear hearing aids in both ears. I've been gone for like two years! That's terrible of me! Nice to be...
  16. softabak

    Anyone Comic fans

    Everyone can yell at me if they want... but I'm a huge fan of the Sonic the Hedgehog comics... been reading them since I was a kid!
  17. softabak

    The Last Drawing

    Thank you! :) I haven't done anything more to it. I'll listen to you guys and say this is finished!
  18. softabak

    Need Date Ideas for Hearing/Deaf Couple! :)

    Thank you for all the wonderful ideas!! This weekend we are going to go for a walk to this store that sells a lot of boardgames, then we are going out to eat and then we are going to walk back to play some video games. Hopefully it isn't too cold! :) I giggled at the phone app idea! I like the...