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  1. softabak

    Hello from Ottawa!

    Awww cute!!!
  2. softabak

    Toyota Tercel Question

    I started it this morning in minus 40 C (with windchill) weather and it didn't give me a hard time. I hope this is the last of this nasty cold weather.
  3. softabak

    Hello from Ottawa!

    Aww you better bring your chickens in!!! Do you live on a farm? I live on a hobby farm! We have lots of warm shelters for the animals. They like to stand out in the rain though. It's weird.
  4. softabak

    Man With Two *****es Writes Tell-All

    Haha wow! Good on him for trying to help other people!
  5. softabak

    Hello from Ottawa!

    IT IS! So cold! I'm wearing two pairs of pants, two pairs of socks, 3 shirts, and slippers. I'm still cold!! :laugh2: Where are you? Isn't -31 F REALLY cold?!
  6. softabak

    Toyota Tercel Question

    See I didn't know ANY of this stuff, so thank you very much! I really don't know much about cars - but I'm trying to learn as much as I can! This year I finally did stuff myself - like changing the tail light bulbs and my headlight bulb, as well as my wipers... laugh all you want! My Grandpa...
  7. softabak

    Any Legend of Zelda Fans?

    What's your favourite game, characters - why? I'm a huge fan - I collect a lot of the merchandise, and I have been completely Zelda-obsessed since I played A Link to the Past when I was 5. Looking forward to finding all the fans!! :wave:
  8. softabak


    Hey welcome! I'm from Ontario too! I was always HOH but had a major and sudden drop in my hearing when I was 22! I hope you're coping okay - lots of people have great resources on here that might be able to help you! Hope you enjoy your time here!
  9. softabak

    Toyota Tercel Question

    Awesome, thanks for the tips! I will look into getting a magnetic one. I'm sure I'll have this car for at least a couple more years, and it's so cold here in the winter, so it will be worth it! :ty:
  10. softabak

    Toyota Tercel Question

    Hi guys! So I drive a 99 Toyota Tercel - and for the life of me, I cannot find the block heater! I live in Canada and it's going to -25 C and it is FREEZING. My car has started the past few days - but it's been a little temperamental. Yesterday I brought it for an alignment and I asked the...
  11. softabak

    Hello, everyone from Phoenix, Arizona!

    Aw that sounds fun!! :D
  12. softabak

    Hello, everyone from Phoenix, Arizona!

    Really off-topic, but Bebonang - where in Ontario did you live? I currently live just outside of Ottawa! :hmm:
  13. softabak

    You can get fined for wearing a hoodie in Oklahoma

    Wow really? Sounds like such a hassle... :ugh:
  14. softabak

    Deaf sister's sister

    Impressive! Welcome!! Hopefully you can find great support here. :)
  15. softabak

    You can get fined for wearing a hoodie in Oklahoma

    Here in Ottawa (Canada) there are signs up like that in the poorer neighborhoods on some banks and the pharmacy. Honestly if it's windy outside I have to wear a hood otherwise all my aids will pick up is wind. That's a crazy law.
  16. softabak

    What was the last movie you watched?

    Has anyone watched The Wild Hunt? (imdb link: ) I watched it pretty recently - it has some funny bits but a little too much violence for my taste. It's about LARP (live action role play). I think it was filmed in Montreal.
  17. softabak

    Hello! :)

    Welcome! :wave: and good luck with your studies!
  18. softabak

    Just welcoming myself back to AllDeaf

    Welcome back!