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  1. EmmaLouz

    One for the resident cat ladies ...

    OoOo... even better!! lol
  2. EmmaLouz

    What are you doing right now?

    they sound alwful anyway just do it! maybe make them quite! lol
  3. EmmaLouz

    A Thread About Absolutely Nothing! Part III

    just because i wanted to! look how cute they are!
  4. EmmaLouz

    Want to meet me?

    sweetie you need to be more careful like mewtilation said, theres a lot of weirdos and creepers on here i am sure by reading all of the other threads i have seen. just be careful and just stay safe dont give out personal information unless you really know the person for awhile
  5. EmmaLouz

    One for the resident cat ladies ...

    more kittens!!! yay!! this neighbour needs to be atticked by alots of cats!
  6. EmmaLouz

    One for the resident cat ladies ...

    oOoOoOo.....Kittys!!!! oh so pretty little kittens awwe make me miss my little Rosemary!
  7. EmmaLouz

    Dance Party: Casket Optional

    oh yeah! she wanted her husband to be near her or in her something like thst. i swesr this show is all weird and crazy but just funny and just crazy how these people go so far to do some weird stuff
  8. EmmaLouz

    Dance Party: Casket Optional

    ever heard of a woman eating her husband ashes! saw a clip of it once on a tv show "strangest addiction" or something like that on TLC
  9. EmmaLouz

    What are you doing right now?

    Hmmm...sitting in a chair of course! oh how bored i am thankgod i can use my kindle
  10. EmmaLouz

    What are you thinking about Part VII

    thinking how i just found out i am related to a woman who works at kohl's who passed away last week on facebook.
  11. EmmaLouz

    What are you thinking about Part VII

    how i am hungry and want food right now
  12. EmmaLouz

    What are you doing right now?

    sitting in this uncomfortable chair at work watching the workers walk by me and playing on my awesome kindle to keep me entertain during this long hours of night shift
  13. EmmaLouz

    What are you thinking about Part VII

    Haha! I always find myself dozing off in the chair which I almost did fall asleep till someone tapped me on the shoulder to which I almost jumped out of the chair and woke up and was like "Huh?" Lol Sent from my iPhone using AllDeaf
  14. EmmaLouz

    A Thread About Anything Absolutely Disgusting!

    I feel like I want to throw up a little bit! Haha
  15. EmmaLouz

    A Thread About Anything Absolutely Disgusting!

    oh i so will!! i will post a photo when i get home from work in like 30 minutes or so! lol :P
  16. EmmaLouz

    Deaf Dream

    people really are crazy these days they will say anything that comes to their mind when really they know its not true or just to dumb to listen or what so ever. they dont know anything till they ask someone instead of making up crap and stories or theroys. people are just stupid really stupid...
  17. EmmaLouz

    A Thread About Anything Absolutely Disgusting!

    oh yay!! zombies are back yay for more nightmares haha!!
  18. EmmaLouz

    Hi there!

    its private messages. but okay thanks! :-)
  19. EmmaLouz

    A Thread About Anything Absolutely Disgusting!

    oh my god these threads are just crazy and weirdly just weird!! haha!! i so needed that laugh but still gross!
  20. EmmaLouz

    Hi there!

    how on earth do i reply to a message! lol