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  1. EmmaLouz

    What are you doing right now?

    Hmm...mind telling me what is an Easter Deaf Timberfest? Don't think I ever heard of that Shel90
  2. EmmaLouz

    What are you thinking about Part VII

    how long have they been working on the condo?
  3. EmmaLouz

    12 and 13 years old became youngest parents.

    Kids should not be having kids at this age, this is way to young! at least they kept their child alive unlike this one story of a 14 year old girl giving birth on the toliet and killing the baby stuffing him in a shoebox and hid it in her closet, she kept the pregnancy a secret for Nine months!
  4. EmmaLouz

    What are you doing right now?

    yeah i know, that was sad to hear when i found out about that
  5. EmmaLouz

    What are you doing right now?

    OoOo...i think i am gonna go look at some hunted abandoned places now!!
  6. EmmaLouz

    What are you doing right now?

    GHOSTBUSTER!!!!! oh my god i love it!! Haha!!!
  7. EmmaLouz

    What are you doing right now?

    i actually live near a very haunted house! i even went in it! so fun to tour that house its from early 1900s!
  8. EmmaLouz

    What are you doing right now?

    i so believe in ghosts! so interesting! those shows are awesome and also hunting abandon pictures of buildings and stuff i always look at
  9. EmmaLouz

    A Very Random Question.

    Suzanne Campbell? name sound familiar i think but cant put a face to the name
  10. EmmaLouz

    What are you thinking about Part VII

    oh yay! *goes steal the case and run* :p :laugh2:
  11. EmmaLouz

    What are you thinking about Part VII

    gimmie! well actually a beer would be nice instead of wine lol
  12. EmmaLouz

    A Very Random Question.

    true, i grew up with the same kids i had in my class my whole life and some are still close to this day and still keep in touch through facebook. i know few hearing people that are still friends with the people they knew in elementary middle and highschool still all very close.
  13. EmmaLouz

    What are you doing right now?

  14. EmmaLouz

    A Very Random Question.

    started going there in 94 or 95 at 5 years old and been there for about twelve years left the end of my freshman year in highschool to transfer to another schoolm so yeah pretty much my whole life almost. its a preschool through 12th grade school and i had alot of experiences going there...
  15. EmmaLouz

    What are you thinking about Part VII

    Two More Nights of this over night shift job and i am done. ready to get this night over with and done!
  16. EmmaLouz

    A Very Random Question.

    good for you! if people cant take it then screw them and they can get over it. you are who you are and if idiots cant handle it well then screw them! Atlanta is way to much traffic my deaf school was up in Atlanta so image me sitting in a bus in traffic for hours! cranky tired and just Ugh!
  17. EmmaLouz

    What are you thinking about Part VII

    Haha! oh goodness well then! haha! good to know then! and plus if someone do it again just let your evilself come out ;-) which one is Jess? lol
  18. EmmaLouz

    What are you thinking about Part VII

    and people still message you when you have shown your evilness goodness those people might wanna watch out then lol
  19. EmmaLouz

    A Very Random Question.

    haha! i might just have do that one day but i know i am sticking to the pool! not an ocean girl i will and Refuse to go into the ocean at all! not gonna happend! Nope nope never will! lol. mm..i live on the open land on the country side with the cows ;-) lol Atlanta is way to crazy and crowded...
  20. EmmaLouz

    What are you thinking about Part VII

    is there a block button or something or you can just use superpowers and send them off flying somewhere else! lol. people are weird and Creepy these days and by me reading old threads my god why the hell are they on here! i dont even use any videos at all since its really Really creepy!