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  1. EmmaLouz


    I Agree with Foxrac, Let It Go and Give it A Rest Already!
  2. EmmaLouz

    What are you doing right now?

    just stalking threads till its time for me to leave for work soon.
  3. EmmaLouz

    Simple Things That Make You Go "Ugh!"

    the one thing that annoys me is when you and a person make plans and that person cancels at the VERY last minute instead of saying something ahead of time not an hour before of that day!
  4. EmmaLouz

    What are you doing right now?

    I am gonna go make cookies in a bit! Not really a sweets person but cookies sounds really yummy at the moment!
  5. EmmaLouz

    What are you thinking about Part VII

    all set For Greys Anatomy just thinking 8:00 need to hurry up! :-)
  6. EmmaLouz

    A Thread About Absolutely Nothing! Part III

    Well at least it will be fresh down there! Haha!!!
  7. EmmaLouz

    What are you thinking about Part VII

    Half of Tv Spoilers are usually fake and made up by people so I doubt that's very much true i will just wait on a Real confirmation instead of just random sites
  8. EmmaLouz

    What did you learn today?

    seem like we missed a lot today! lol
  9. EmmaLouz

    What did you learn today?

    Haha!! :laugh2: i wish!! lol nah i had learned something about an ex awhile back which got me thinking and well now i dont even care anymore about anymore now. oh well then
  10. EmmaLouz

    What did you learn today?

    just now realizing something that i never thought about till now which makes me wonder now about someone
  11. EmmaLouz

    Joan Rivers rushed to hospital after she stops breathing during surgery

    If you are gonna be a bitch don't even write in this thread! No one ask you for your options.
  12. EmmaLouz

    Hearing girl from Atlanta, GA

    what school did you and your wife go to? if you dont mind me asking. as in highschool or a pre-k through 12 grade school?
  13. EmmaLouz

    Hearing girl from Atlanta, GA

    well thats pretty good then!! well welcome to the forum!! :-)
  14. EmmaLouz

    What's this?.....

    Thats... New! I think.
  15. EmmaLouz

    What are you doing right now?

    should be sleeping right now since i have to get up early for work but i am not and stalking on this forum till i fall asleep
  16. EmmaLouz

    Did You "Hear"?...or "I Heard"....

    i dont think i ever heard of this debate. all of my deaf friends says did you hear or heard, it never bother them and it never bothered me at all.
  17. EmmaLouz

    Please read. It's important

    you need to ask her family permission first before you go posting her picture all over the place. Always ask permission First.
  18. EmmaLouz

    Joan Rivers rushed to hospital after she stops breathing during surgery

    She is NOT allowed to died! i think i heard shes doing okay now which is good! i love her!