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  1. T

    I dont know if......

    your chicken, Shelley! :)
  2. T

    List USA states & countries you have touched.

    Kentucky, Tennessee, Michigan, Indiana, Ohio, Pennsylvania, New York, New Jersey, North Caroline, Georgia, Alabama, Arkansas, Florida, Mississippi, Illinois, Missiour, California, Arizona, Maryland, District of Columbia The most I miss about the state is California! :) I have been there...
  3. T

    Are u member of...

    nah... I just like to keep it nice n simple! :)
  4. T

    Are u member of...

    No thanks.. I made it like that so people who hadn't visited my website can catch up with my news :)
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    Are u member of...

    Too many posts on one page?.. that's what it is suppose to be :) that's my "blog" but I dont use blogger.. its self update
  6. T

    money and travel

    Re: Re: Re: money and travel yes.. keep up with traveling... or if you dont.. you'll regret it :)... and yes Elyse is very nice.. I visited her at her place and she was my little "tour guide" and she showed me around NYC.. I fell in love with NYC.. I will never forget that I saw World...
  7. T

    Are u member of...

    dont have those crappy... I own a personal website which have been online for 3 years but I moved my website to Lexserv on Nov 2002.. I think... its
  8. T

    money and travel

    since I met Elyse. I became interested into traveling because of her. My theory is that if someone don't want to pay for the hotel and other place. Simply, they can stay at other deaf people's place for free if they allow to. Look at you guys, we all are from different states. For example...
  9. T

    I dont know if......

    You saw it. You get a life. Enough said.
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    I dont know if......

    you have seen this before... but its not other flash of scary face or anything.. its something different... here it is..
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    Can I....?

    I am an old member of AD :) been here for a year!
  12. T

    Can I....?

    I am already in 2000 post club anyways :)
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    Big Phobia?

    whatcha doing in Louisville, KY? ... I'm from Lexington
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    The Official Member Picture Thread

    here's 2 pictures of me with hat and without hat... and dont have any good new pictures :(
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    i camp out like every week ... what can I do in kentucky?.. just camping and boating :) that's all you can!
  16. T

    Post picture of your pet

    Go nazi!! (hilter)
  17. T

    Have you ever being approached by a skinhead?

    GO REDNECKS!!! Mod Edit: Image was removed. Please check PM for details.
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    What is your area code? game

  19. T

    bummer..the old forum is gone..

    kind of but dont really know you that well..
  20. T

    bummer..the old forum is gone..

    welcome to the club.. I used to have 1700 posts here.. and 3/4 of people here dont even know me! I once was popular :(