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  1. T

    Post a pic of your current BF/GF

    I know I am kind of off-topic but it was recently that we broke up but I'd like to let everyone who was my former girlfriend but right now I consider her as my close friend.. but now we are having our own time for now to clear up our mind.. here's our picture..
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    Stevie (Wolfboy)

    3 years on the board??.. its not even over way over a year yet if you mean board
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    Need to get to know me? Ask me anything :)

    Of course not! I wouldn't lie about the fish that I caught! cuz I dont want a big fish!.. I rather a slim little fish :) so I aint gonna lie :)
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    Need to get to know me? Ask me anything :)

    Eh I rather to fish one in the lake since the large mouth bass is a pretty fish and hard to get :) j/k.. well yes.. but actually I am just having a good time being single....because I just focus more on myself :).. Guys... anymore questions?.. 2 pages... come on.. you guys can do...
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    Need to get to know me? Ask me anything :)

    You wouldnt have a chance with Tracey :) she's tooooo good for you :) and that was really stupid question by the way... please try not to make a fool out of yourself!
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    Need to get to know me? Ask me anything :)

    I'll be alright... thanks for your concerns
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    Need to get to know me? Ask me anything :)

    not in gay way.. but.. foolish way also sometime you just talk about something that don't always make sense.. but your still on my OK list :)
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    Need to get to know me? Ask me anything :)

    its bad timing to ask me that question lol :).. I recently got fired from my job.. so everything's going downhill.. also there was breaking up with Tracey... so its sucky so far this month..!
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    Need to get to know me? Ask me anything :)

    Helloooooo there :)
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    Need to get to know me? Ask me anything :)

    *nods* but Tracey was really great girlfriend that I had.... she's fun to be around with but it just dont seems to work out. But later in future.. I'd give us other chance to see each other.. but we just need space for now
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    Need to get to know me? Ask me anything :)

    Nope I dont have any girlfriend since 3 weeks.. but there is someone speical that I might would love to date with
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    Need to get to know me? Ask me anything :)

    Hey Hey Cora! :).. Tracey and I are not in relationship anymore.. but still lucky us we decided to keep our friendship :)
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    Need to get to know me? Ask me anything :)

    I dont know you... and I dont need a welcome.. I have been here for a year.. I think its my job to welcome you to AD :)
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    Need to get to know me? Ask me anything :)

    I know most of you guys dont really know me that well but here's your chance to get to know me! :).. Ask me away!
  15. T

    New Job

    yea pizza... now I am jealous! :( I gotta to get my ass out of here and find a job excatly like that!
  16. T

    I dont know if......

    y'all are so funny!
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    Christopher Reeve: Paralysis Cure is Close

    I strongly support stem cell research cuz they can make deaf people to hear again in natural way! :).. .. come on speed it up.. I wanna hear again!
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    New Job

    *sniffs*..... your lucky.. I used to be a data entry for a large company.. I had my own office space and everything.. we'd get free pizza on friday.. or even KFC.. and we can hang out on internet... man.. I miss that job... but I got fired and everyone was shocked and my branch manger was...
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    money and travel

    Re: Re: Re: money and travel I know a girl name "joy" from hawaii. I have talked to her couples of time.. she went to MSSD before.. she's a good friend
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    money and travel

    Yea I know Shaun..... when I was with Elyse in NYC.. elyse contact Kevbo and see if he wanna meet me then Kevbo contact Shaun so that's how I met him lol.. I noticed that he love to do bar hopping lol