Search results

  1. F

    Apartment Safety + HOH Concerns

    As in " Oh this resident has a hearing loss so the music couldn't have been a nuisance? " Easy rebuttal even if you don't go into a spiel about the intricacies of hearing loss and your residual hearing. "Have you ever seen a Charlie Brown TV special? You know how the teacher's voice is just...
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    Apartment Safety + HOH Concerns

    I had a similar issue while in college dorm seven years ago. Douches kept playing with my doorlight, and with my room right in front of stairwell, and near the floor lounge and restroom catching the asshats was impossible short of standing in front of peep hole. I reported it to my RA multiple...
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    Closed Captioned Glasses and Regal Cinemas

    So I got a ticket at my locally mismanaged Regalplex. The first pair didn't work. The second pair did not work. And the third guessed it. A LOT of going up and down the escalator from my auditorium to the customer service desk just to end up NOT watching the movie. Posted from...
  4. F

    Are deaf kids bullied/harrassed more frequently than hearing kids in mainstream?

    My experience wasn't traumatizing as most have posted, though perhaps it's a generational difference (28 years old). I was a fat kid with hearing aids that people generally left alone. Aside from standing out academically, I had a knack for being invisible and was a general loner. I got on OK...
  5. F

    Awesome Audi Visit update. Still with Audi 3. Today got my first pair of hearing aids to test drive. The plan had been Phonak Naida RICs. Except the receivers that came in? Dead. The replacement pair? Dead. So went with some Starkey BTEs. With one exception a few years ago, I've never found the...
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    Whats your ethnic background?

    My maternal side- Half Polish, half Sicilian (I refuse to say we're Italian). Sicilian great-grandmother came to US when she was late teens; I believe my Polish family had already been established in the US at that time. My paternal side- Pretty much English, English, and more English...
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    Foreign languages (sign or oral)

    I've always had an interest in word origins, so this was a strategy that played on a strength. But doubtless, cognates make things a bit easier for language learners, and knowing how filial languages changed from ancestral roots (like Romance languages/Latin) can help a Spanish speaker wring...
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    Foreign languages (sign or oral)

    My alma mater offered a condensed/accelerated year of Catalan for people with several years of study with another Romance language. The lecturer was a native speaker from Barcelona, and the class was taught almost exclusively in Catalan (the less effective "Lets talk about the names of colors...
  9. F

    Closed Captioned Glasses and Regal Cinemas

    Actually, it's about $1800/pair. And it may vary from small, slow multiplex to large, busy Megaplex, but my local, smaller Regal doesn't have 10 glasses- they have 10 power sources for use with either glasses or headphones, and 5 each or so of the head phones and glasses. There used to be a...
  10. F

    Closed Captioned Glasses and Regal Cinemas

    Assuming you're still in Myrtle Beach, it's true there are no Regal/UA/Edwards near you, but the Cinemark listed at Coastal Grand Circle does have some auditoriums listed as having accessibility devices available, which I'm pretty sure will be rear-window captioning, or some variant of it. But...
  11. F

    Foreign languages (sign or oral)

    As for your other questions, I was an ambitious child and wanted to learn several - German and French and Japanese. Obviously I've fallen quite short lol. Obviously my limited hearing is an issue; as I'm quite far from native-like fluency these days, misunderstandings are considerable (La...
  12. F

    Foreign languages (sign or oral)

    Natively anglophone and brought up without ASL unfortunately. Took several years of Spanish, even in university, and took an accelerated semester of Catalan. On a dialect continuum, Catalan would be between French and Spanish. Posted from App for Android
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    How do I get my family to learn ASL?

    This is also a pretty good moment. Heart this movie ASL - I know what music is - YouTube
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    How do I get my family to learn ASL?

    I've always felt this clip (the middle part) was an excellent portrayal of the frustrations of being deaf, not being able to communicate, etc. Glenne Headly did excellent stuff playing Iris Holland Mr Holland's Opus - YouTube I'd just send this to family, and write Wow... Best. Mom. Ever...
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    Metalangel, you have way more patience than I do, cause dad sounds like a cantankerous turd.
  16. F

    Random Vents.....

    I rock the shizz out of Netflix and Hulu. I find the captioning (when available, which is pretty good these days and improving for additional content) is waaaay better than those caption movie glasses Catastrophic mentioned. I used to see movies all the time when Local Megaplex had Open...
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    Kelly Mahabir

    Granted I can be pretty oblivious, but I've never noticed any difference between the batteries I've used over the years. For years, it was what my mom bought from the audi, then it became whatever I found at Target/Walmart/Radio Shack when I needed an emergency pack, and now, I'm burning...
  18. F

    Do you think she is autism?

    Temple Grandin is a hearing autistic woman who wrote a pretty good book about life with autism. Professionally she designs slaughterhouses, and has such an intuitive understanding of animal psychology that she has designed 25-33% of all slaughterhouses in the US. While most of the major ASD...
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    Getting my mom to understand I cannot hear her

    I don't have remotely that problem, but I know I have no patience for that kind of crap. There's denial and there's being a #%^#$%#$#$#%. I'd tell her to keep waving at Stevie Wonder until he waves back if she's going to believe that people are lying about their own sensory losses.
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    Please help our research project

    Unless it's the kind of thing that could be worked into existing gear, like a cell phone, tablet, laptop or some of the accessories to a hearing aid, not sure how viable such a product would be. I know people who carry around 2 or 3 of those regularly, and it's enough electronics to haul around...