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  1. F

    How to improve English writing skills without going to college?

    On a perhaps similar note as VacationGuy, I highly recommend John McWhorter's books on language in general but in particular Word on the Street:Debunking the Myth of a Pure Standard English Our Magnificent Bastard Tongue: The Untold History of English Both books give insight to English's...
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    reckon you can stay in there longer??

    That image from IFLS reminds me of something else they posted on FB- that by tuning a radio to play white noise, and putting the halves of a ping pong ball while laying down, the lack of sensory input triggers hallucinations. Posted from App for Android
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    How to improve English writing skills without going to college?

    First idea I have is something of a long shot: find texts that are commonly used in Advanced Placement English Language and Composition. While those courses definitely have an essay-writing slant, I also think the texts they use really focus on the nitty gritty grammatical points I suspect you...
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    Deaf World Problems

    Inspired by/modeled after that "First World Problems" meme, I thought Deaf World Problems could be a laugh. Random First World example: Just bought my favorite $6 soda at the movies and the cup doesn't fit in the cup holder. My Deaf World example: Discovering at 3AM that your car's panic...
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    UNF interpreting Program

    Are you transferring from one of those or are you a prospective freshman because it's geared toward transfers from other two year programs. Their proximity to FSDB in St. Augustine is promising in being an opportunity for post-college job placement though I'm a bit concerned that the program...
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    Teaching young CODA's ASL

    Floor stomping? As for teaching the kids ASL...they're young, so they will likely pick it up far quicker than you will. And while Aspergers can present its own challenges, I've heard that sign is actually easier for Aspies to deal with than spoken word because eye contact isn't so important...
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    Help with batteries please

    Shame there's no CostCo around there- I've never had a problem with their batteries, and I've never seen lower prices on them. Sams Club is decently priced, but I hate their packaging. Some like the convenience of being able to rip off two batteries from the pack, but I find that it means lost...
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    Currently at St. Pete pride and right now it's torrential rain. Currently marooned at a gas station. My first pride but aside from not being a social butterfly, I'm not a parade kinda guy. Hot dudes though ;) Posted from App for Android
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    Phonak Naida Q SP/UP and RIC officially out now!

    My audi has ordered these for me. I've been trialing a pair of Starkeys. The starkeys have excellent feedback control but weren't cutting it at work, which is restaurant kinda noisy. I'm cautiously optimistic, as I had loaner phonaks in college for a semester and they were excellent. Posted...
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    Closed Captioned Glasses and Regal Cinemas

    He's right- it's the only selling point to me over OC; so long as the bathroom is reasonably nearby, you'll continue to get some caption. Since it's clear from the device that there are 14 stations, 1-7 of yellow or green, if it's a theatre with 14-30 screens, you may start picking up captions...
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    Paula Deen Fired for using Racial Slur

    Reba, my question does not assume someone to be deaf and mute, only mute. So for people lacking the ability to speak aloud due to an anatomical issue, that doesn't really work. Voice off suggests that the ability to speak audibly is present (as up suggests a down, off suggests an on), so it also...
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    Paula Deen Fired for using Racial Slur

    If mute is offensive, then pray tell what word should be in circulation to describe a person who does not produce audible speech? Hearing impaired suggests there is something broken with deaf people, N* has a vicious history attached to its usage, and the primary definition of dumb is "stupid"...
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    Closed Captioned Glasses and Regal Cinemas

    That's probably because it wasn't. The only person who considered a brief mention of a political policy relevant to a news story tantamount to "a conversation" was you. Similarly, mentioning a Trojan Horse on my computers is not a history lesson and Madonna's "Vogue" is not a compendium about...
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    Man fights law banning blood donations by homosexuals

    Truth is, anal penetration by penis is a HIGH risk activity leading to STD (particularly HIV) transmission. I personally believe the policy is a solid one; the only reason it's discriminatory is because women who take their dudes in the back door are not similarly prohibited from blood...
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    Closed Captioned Glasses and Regal Cinemas

    Vacation, my problem is that Regal ceased Open Caption showtimes for something that is inferior, more expensive, and would exclude deaf moviegoers that go as a group if the number in the group exceeds the number of craption glasses. I don't know where the implication that I advocate any...
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    Closed Captioned Glasses and Regal Cinemas

    Well when you get glasses that don't work AT ALL for Iron Man 3, Star Trek 2, Les Miserables, and a few others I can't remember right now, that's lucky. Posted from App for Android
  17. F

    Closed Captioned Glasses and Regal Cinemas

    Actually, outside of indie type fair, and 3D exclusive (or near exclusive) movies (Coraline comes to mind), I think at least 70% of movies, at least at the theatre I went to for OC, eventually had OC showtimes. While it was usually 2/3 showtimes a day in one specific theater, and only for a...
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    Closed Captioned Glasses and Regal Cinemas

    Also, did it occur to any of Regal's top brass that if deaf/HOH folks had wanted CC to watch a movie, we would have stayed at home and turned on the TV/Blu-Ray and felt relief at not wearing those nose pinching glasses? Posted from App for Android
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    Closed Captioned Glasses and Regal Cinemas

    Not really all that cool, Nihilist- Randy is the "human interest" portion of the story, as they keep mentioning his deaf son's involvement in the project. My google-fu shows he is Regal's lawyer king. As the parent of a deaf/HOH son (the kid is described inconsistently across news stories), I...
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    Taking class(es) without credit?

    What you're suggesting is called auditing a course, which at my Alma mater was actually more expensive to do than taking the course regularly. Posted from App for Android