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  1. S

    with love for nigeria

    Hey, :welcome: to Alldeaf
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    Contest can you please vote for me!?

    :gpost: Words of wisdom! Well said!!
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    Do you have a collection? What do you collect?

    I used to collect old books. Not anymore but the attic is full of them. I told the wife if I drop dead don't give them away because some of them might be worth something! I checked out one recently and it was worth about 500 dollars. But, that is the exception I think. Also chess sets, but I...
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    Where is everyone from?

    Born in Dublin, Ireland. Moved around a bit when I was younger but settled back here for good now.
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    Boys: At What Age Would You Consider....

    When I was a teenager I often brought girlfriends home. My father would always pull me aside and say "She's a nice girl son" then wave his finger and say "Don't you dare get her into trouble!!" :lol: I have a 7 year old daughter, I dread the the day when I have to worry about that!:shock...
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    What are you thinking about?

    Thanks FF!
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    Happy Holidays, everyone!

    HAPPY HOLIDAYS!! to everyone on ALLDEAF!
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    Hello from the Netherlands!

    Hello and :welcome: to Alldeaf
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    What are you thinking about?

    I'm thinking what have I missed on AD? Been so busy with work in December I think I only logged on twice. It's nice to be back!:)
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    Person Below Me

    Me too, stay home on new years eve. But, usually one or two people will turn up. Maybe family or friends. It's a good question so, the same question to TPBM!
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    Hey! Welcome to alldeaf. I'm from Dublin too! I live in Dublin 15.
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    Nearly 100 Reportedly Killed in Russian Nightclub Explosion

    That is really dreadfull :tears: I just saw a video of the bodies outside and it really got to me. When I was 15 a nightclub a few hundred yards from our home caught fire. 48 people died that night. I can still see the firemen dragging out bodies and lining them up on the road. All the...
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    Hello I am new at this.

    Hi there! Welcome to Alldeaf! :wave: .
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    Organ donation

    I told my wife to donate anything except my eyes after I die. Don't ask why not my eyes because I don't really know myself!
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    H1N1 virus claimed my sister

    So sorry for your loss. I know how hard it is.
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    stick or auto?

    I voted stick shift but, I've never driven an automatic. I have a feeling I would prefer automatic. Stick shift?! Never heard the term before, over here we say "manual"
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    How Many of You Have Been Divorced?

    Married 12 years and I'm happy to say I don't think I'll ever get divorced. But, living with someone 24/7 is tough, I can understand why so many do divorce as people do change over time.
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    Hi everybody ! I am a french deaf student !

    Welcome to Alldeaf! :wave:
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    Paranoid Personality Disorder..

    Not sure what PPD has to do with your situation? Sounds to me like you are in an unhealthy relationship. Why would you stay around someone who is no longer interested in you. Maybe they never where. Whatever your problems are if you leave, it still sounds to me like that is your only option...
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    Welcome to Alldeaf :wave: