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  1. S

    Little dog with a big heart

    :aw: cute video.
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    Why my hubby refuse to go counseling?

    Sorry to read about your troubles. Most of us guys [I include myself here] don't open up as much as women would. We are very reluctant to talk about our problems The idea of going to a marriage counselor is something we would naturaly be against. It sounds like he has dug his heels in and no...
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    just wanted to introduce myself

    :wave: Welcome to Alldeaf!
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    I am glad to be here in

    :wave: Welcome to Alldeaf! You can post some of your photography in our pictures + videos section if you want. Look forward to seeing them! .
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    would you do a masters online

    Well, I vote no. I would not have the self-discipline to stick with any sort of course over the internet.
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    hi, newbie here

    Welcome to Alldeaf! :wave: .
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    Newbie with WS from the UK

    Welcome to Alldeaf! :wave: .
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    Man killed 'peeing on power line'

    Pee does conduct electricty!..if anyone is wondering. About 2 years ago I was walking my dog Duma. He was on a lead. He stopped at a lampost [as dogs do] and began to mark his territory. No sooner had he started when he lept 3 feet into the air and looked quite distressed. Looking up I saw...
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    What Happens to Jiro?

    I was almost mugged once as well! I was 15. Walking along a city center street with a pal. A guy with a knife steped out and said "Give me your money!" My mate said "We got none, why don't you ask our pals" as he pointed ahead. The would be mugger looked around to see our other 10 buddies...
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    What Happens to Jiro?

    :lol:..ok! If it was raining..would anyone of noticed? :hmm:
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    I am not nice.

    Don't be so mean FF. Keep your cats warm indoors they can pee on your carpet!:lol: My cats hate snow too, but the dog loves it! .
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    What Happens to Jiro?

    I would bet my life savings that it's fake.
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    Is it appropriate?

    Not sure to say if it's appropriate or not. One thing for sure...any kid [including my own] starts yelling and my h/aid comes out instantly!! .
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    what to think what to think.....

    Welcome to Alldeaf! .
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    Hi Brenda,,,welcome to Alldeaf! .
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    Helllloooooo :)

    Welcome to Alldeaf! .
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    were the opposite

    Stefan....Stephanie. Gosh...I feel weird thinking of a girlie name for myself:shock:...:lol:
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    you take your pets to vet for checkup?

    I have never brought an animal for a check-up. Only go if they are sick. Vacinations, I do myself. .
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    is this abuse? *Photo Trigger*

    Perhaps the horse is sick...but I suspect serious neglect here. :(
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    AD Resident Artist

    Wow, really good. But, you should be carefull displaying your art on the internet. Somebody may steal your work and try to pass it off as their own! But, I assume you have already thought of that and have copywrited your work. .