Sorry to read about your troubles. Most of us guys [I include myself here] don't open up as much as women would. We are very reluctant to talk about our problems The idea of going to a marriage counselor is something we would naturaly be against. It sounds like he has dug his heels in and no...
Pee does conduct electricty!..if anyone is wondering.
About 2 years ago I was walking my dog Duma. He was on a lead.
He stopped at a lampost [as dogs do] and began to mark his territory.
No sooner had he started when he lept 3 feet into the air and looked quite distressed.
Looking up I saw...
I was almost mugged once as well!
I was 15. Walking along a city center street with a pal.
A guy with a knife steped out and said "Give me your money!"
My mate said "We got none, why don't you ask our pals" as he pointed
The would be mugger looked around to see our other 10 buddies...
Wow, really good. But, you should be carefull displaying your art on the internet. Somebody may steal your work and try to pass it off as their own!
But, I assume you have already thought of that and have copywrited your work.