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  1. S

    I'm new too

    Hi Kris. Welcome on AD and enjoy the post :)
  2. S


    Hey Pinky!!!! I had chatted with you sometimes in a chat room WELCOME! :)
  3. S

    "Wake Up" ......

    Omg that make me :laugh2::giggle: its really funny! I am sure that my gf Flammer will see that....
  4. S

    This is too cute!

    Aww so cute kids!!!! I enjoyed it! :ty:
  5. S

    Show us new pictures of you!!!

    Wow nce pixs! :)
  6. S

    Liebling:-)))´s Halloween workart

    :jaw: I am now so jealous!!!! :giggle: I want those!!!! but its so scary!!! hahaha
  7. S

    Liebling:-)))´s Halloween workart

    :jawdrop: I am now so jealous!!!! :giggle: I want those!!!! but its so scary!!! hahaha
  8. S

    Halloween desktop

    Wow dang I like all of those desktop I would like to have those.... I will find where the link so Ican look at it. :)
  9. S

    ASL Laughs: "Deaf Kiss-Fist Anything Free"

    Oh gosh I saw that same guy on that video last night he is very good with the jokes it make me laugh... I dont know how to fix to add another video what I saw last night it was funny joke the same guy! someday I'll figure how to add that from :)
  10. S

    kiss on the beach -adult warning-

    :giggle: I wondering as if you like the kiss?? so cute.... ;)
  11. S

    exciting kisses

    Oh gosh yes that was very funny I saw somewhere I think! that I saw on it was really funny, and cute. :)
  12. S

    WHY can I be perfect!?

    SxyPorkie, yes yes I am allright dont worry about that... :) Ya take care. ok? ;)
  13. S

    WHY can I be perfect!?

    Hey Bro & sis. Yeppers I think that Flammer will read it etc.... and also who's DFM is that you mean DeafFlimMedia?
  14. S

    WHY can I be perfect!?

    Cheri-Sexy-Wings.. I still laughing about call you that.... um *off topic* how did you make the so awesome banner? I really liked it! so----- *back to topic* :) Cheri-Sexy-Wings--- yep, I am doing better today... more relaxing and um I need to starting to foucs on my stuffs to be ready...