Search results

  1. EagleCherokee63

    Do You Suffer From Clinical Depression or Bipolar Disorder?

    Interesting!! God planned for my life that someone met me. The one mother hearing have a deaf daughter and met me last few days. She shared with me her deaf daughter had a bipolar disorder. Mother take her went to counselor and found out depressed and bipolar disorder etc. She asked me helping...
  2. EagleCherokee63

    Do You Suffer From Clinical Depression or Bipolar Disorder?

    I feeling want a share with you about Bipolar Disorder. I had bad experience deaf lady who bipolar disorder depressed, many jump conclusion, criticize,and manipulative and threaten and revenge. Now, She moved other state. Our town in Oklahoma are very very peace now. I avoid who deaf people had...
  3. EagleCherokee63

    Who do have Blackberry 8830???

    Sunshinelady, I decide will buy a new Blackberry Curve 8830 soon.... I read It will start in May. I can wait..... BlackBerry® Curve™ | The New Smartphone That's Brilliant and Beautiful
  4. EagleCherokee63

    Are ghosts real?

    Yea! me toooooo!!!! :thumb:
  5. EagleCherokee63

    Are ghosts real?

  6. EagleCherokee63

    Are ghosts real?

    gosh! I found out yesterday. (little girl ghost) she was name Helen Gough. Her sister name is Susan Gough. I am still digging and digging.... Helen was first born and sec sister Susan. I think Susan is a live. I will find out more... I found out also, Helen was born in Indiana State. Helen was 9...
  7. EagleCherokee63

    New BlackBerry Curve 8830

    BlackBerry® Curve™ | The New Smartphone That's Brilliant and Beautiful Sprint BlackBerry Curve 8330 is coming soon! BlackBerry - Smartphone Software - PDA Download at I really like it so much! I will buy one soon!!
  8. EagleCherokee63

    i love my new Blackberry Curve 8320 .

    BlackBerry® Curve™ | The New Smartphone That's Brilliant and Beautiful Sprint BlackBerry Curve 8330 is coming soon! I read it all hmmm, I like it so much!! I am thinking buy one soon! neat!!!
  9. EagleCherokee63

    Your dream house?

    Excite!! You can put scrapbook start it... I have a scrapbook new building a house till done. It very important good memory! Why not? you love scrapbook!!
  10. EagleCherokee63

    Marlee Matlin may go Dancing With the Stars

    My husband told me go watch it. COOOL!!!!
  11. EagleCherokee63

    90% Deaf are UNEMPLOYED

    I think not so that. In Oklahoma state deaf unemployment 70 percent. I noticed oral and HOH work employment 50 or 70 percent. I am deaf and employee part-time.
  12. EagleCherokee63

    photography online

    I like Photobucket photos use for my space
  13. EagleCherokee63

    What is your all time favorite snack?

    Often, When I good moody order Cherry Limeade..I like too....
  14. EagleCherokee63

    Spanking may lead to sexual problems

    LOL my gosh!!!
  15. EagleCherokee63

    photography online

    Yea! I use this!
  16. EagleCherokee63

    Cool Advertising Website

  17. EagleCherokee63

    How do u tell when u had a flat tire?

    Use penny coin put on tires, How you know about tire flat.... head Top- new tires Head-half good tires Bottom chin-anytime flat tires I learned the man tire shop showed me tips. I checked it 6 months because you don't have to worry down in highway or call AAA...... Last month, I...
  18. EagleCherokee63

    Are ghosts real?

    I emailed to (DRS) office in OSD about little girl ghost. He shocked about that. He called me SUPER GHOST! LOL! I found out my best friend who deaf daughter saw tooo little girl ghost in 2007. Her deaf mom did reported Supt. The new Supt NOT BELIEVED HER STORY! :dunno::| I was very upset that...
  19. EagleCherokee63

    What is your all time favorite snack?

    My favorite snack Sonic Rt 44 Diet Coke with Vanilla! Java Chip Starbucks Coffee, and dark M&M When I drive too longer or vacation, I use snacks Mountain Dew pop and peanut M&M.
  20. EagleCherokee63

    Wrong Game Movie
