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  1. EagleCherokee63

    Pah! Sprint new Blackberry Curve 8330

    You beat me!!! I wait and wait!!! Ahh I want to hear what more news! I bet you re love it so much!!
  2. EagleCherokee63

    Pah! Sprint new Blackberry Curve 8330

    And Farewell65, :thumb::thumb::cool2:
  3. EagleCherokee63

    You ever heard of Astrology?

    I am scorpion. My husband is Taurus too! I can't say that don't believe because It possible wrong or right. Bible have some in Astrology about Nimrod who most evil in the world and Abraham. I didn't know Astrology so much. When if a person hurt or bad terrible or threaten me then I read...
  4. EagleCherokee63

    Which cell phone do you use?

    I use my SK 2 now. I ordered BB Curve 8330 last Friday. This week BB shipping will arrive to my house. In 2002, First time I bought a Pocket PC for a year. I cut it out because tooooo expensive $$$$$$$$ Then sec SK 1. I careless broke SK 1 then, I bought SK2 since use to present for 4 yrs. I fed...
  5. EagleCherokee63


    XBGMER, Awesome! you knowledge about BB. I read it here few hrs. Whoa!! Thank you for links here. I still can't wait BB Curve 8330 will arrive shipping to my house this week!!!
  6. EagleCherokee63

    Pah! Sprint new Blackberry Curve 8330

    Ohh!! AWESOME NEAT!! I went to AT&T. The man told me about BB 9000. He gave me website me here last month. I told him that I want BB Curve 8330. He quiet. HA! BLKBRY TECH I read other internet few hrs and found here...
  7. EagleCherokee63

    Pah! Sprint new Blackberry Curve 8330

    BlackBerry® Curve™ | The New Smartphone That's Brilliant and Beautiful
  8. EagleCherokee63

    Pah! Sprint new Blackberry Curve 8330

    Did you buy your own BB Curve 8330?
  9. EagleCherokee63

    Pah! Sprint new Blackberry Curve 8330

    It not toy! suck my SK2 4 yrs since I fed it up. I have a print and carefully read it. Only unlimited 29.99. If use voice yes cost but didn't say about Sprint TV charge. I been looked it other few months. Yes, BB Curve 8330 have a sprint TV so not have other BB with Sprint TV. you look website...
  10. EagleCherokee63

    Pah! Sprint new Blackberry Curve 8330

    Thanks! I will sure! :D
  11. EagleCherokee63

    Pah! Sprint new Blackberry Curve 8330

    Yea! Cool!! :D:dance2:
  12. EagleCherokee63

    Pah! Sprint new Blackberry Curve 8330

    Sprint Relay Store - Welcome! I ordered Blackberry Curve 8330. It will arrive 4 days to my house. I can't wait!! I excite sprintTV COOL!
  13. EagleCherokee63

    happy birthday to alex ;)

    Happy Birthday to you! Alex!
  14. EagleCherokee63

    Pope Benedict XVI visit USA for first times

    Me too, I lost interesting and not bow down him!
  15. EagleCherokee63

    Pope Benedict XVI visit USA for first times

    Right, He wear his white top mark 666 also, molested children and etc... Revelation 17:5 And upon her forehead [was] a name written, MYSTERY, BABYLON THE GREAT, THE MOTHER OF HARLOTS AND ABOMINATIONS OF THE EARTH.
  16. EagleCherokee63

    Pope Benedict XVI visit USA for first times

    I turned him off! not bow down him! Only Jesus Christ! John 14:6 KJV Jesus saith unto him, I am the way, the truth, and the life: no man cometh unto the Father, but by me.
  17. EagleCherokee63

    New Blackberry 9000

    BlackBerry 9000 in the wild - Engadget Mobile
  18. EagleCherokee63

    Alvin and the Chimpunks Movie

    Last week ago I watched it! funny!
  19. EagleCherokee63

    Do You Suffer From Clinical Depression or Bipolar Disorder?

    Thanks for here! I watched it whoa! Whoa ASL wonderful!