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  1. Journey

    What is the point of inaugural?

    I thought an inauguration is the formal induction into office. The way I see it is that the inauguration is like the wedding ceremony, whereas the ball that follows is akin to a wedding reception. No?
  2. Journey

    So. Cal High School armed with 14 semi-auto rifles

    Ah ok, thank you.
  3. Journey

    So. Cal High School armed with 14 semi-auto rifles

    Sorry, not sure what you are referring to here. Specifically, what lesson?
  4. Journey

    Weather in your region and how you handle it?

    Today it is sunny and a lovely 0 degrees with no wind. All that sunshine bouncing off the snow lifts my spirits. On my walk today all I needed for outer wear were boots, a light jacket and gloves. These kind of winter days are easy to handle :-).
  5. Journey

    So. Cal High School armed with 14 semi-auto rifles

    Participated deeply, no, but did read along. I understand that minimizing casualties is perhaps the best that can be done in certain scenarios. However, in this particular case, I wonder if a bunch of rifles locked outside the school and inside in safes is indeed the best way to minimize casualties.
  6. Journey

    So. Cal High School armed with 14 semi-auto rifles

    Valid question in which I don't have an answer. Just as I don't have the answers for my own questions at this stage.
  7. Journey

    So. Cal High School armed with 14 semi-auto rifles

    Hmmm solutions like this make me wonder ... if someone entered the school and began shooting, how long would it take the officers to get their guns out of the trunks and/or safes? Would that money have been better spent in areas more specifically designed to stop weapons from entering the school...
  8. Journey

    Mickelson Making Drastic Changes

    Yes, I guess 'complaining' was not the best choice of words on my part. I was just glad to see he stepped up and said that particular discussion should not have taken place when and where it did.
  9. Journey

    Mickelson Making Drastic Changes

    Phil Mickelson says publicizing tax views 'big mistake' - ESPN I'm glad to see he admitted that it was not the time or place to discuss his taxes. Complaining about high taxes on a 40+ million annual income while on the course was not a bright move.
  10. Journey

    Irish County Legalizes Drunk Driving

    The limit here has been lowered to .05 and, so far, have not heard or read about any backlash or problems because of the change. I think what the low limits are doing is making for a much more careful generation. I see it with my own kids and all their friends. They all like to go out regularly...
  11. Journey

    What did you learn today?

    I realized today that newly graded roads are beautiful, yeah! ... even if the result is mounds and mounds of ugly dirty packed snow chunks on the boulevards.
  12. Journey

    What did you learn today?

    Ouch! That is a face-to-face meeting you ever want to have!
  13. Journey

    Do you pick up pennies off the sidewalk?

    "Find a penny, pick it up and all day you will have good luck" ;-) Since we are doing away with the penny, I guess we're going to have to change that little ditty to "Find a coin ...". :lol:
  14. Journey

    Irish County Legalizes Drunk Driving

    So in order to avoid lonliness, one's only option is to go out and drink alcohol or more than one or two alcoholic drinks over the course of an evening? The reasoning behind this proposal makes no sense to me.
  15. Journey

    Anyone Experience Brazilian Wax?

    Ah ok, thank you :-). A bikini wax is enough pain for this woman, I don't think I will become more familiar with the Brazilian wax or job anytime soon :giggle:.
  16. Journey


    Wearyone, Perhaps you would be less weary if you learned ASL and didn't have to rely on lipreading all the time.:dunno:
  17. Journey

    Anyone Experience Brazilian Wax?

    Brazilian began as removing most hair but leaving a small 'landing strip' but many went ahead and removed all. Hollywood wax removes all. (I asked my daughter who has had both done - brave girl! haha)
  18. Journey

    Anyone Experience Brazilian Wax?

    I thought "Brazilian wax" referred to removing all hair from your southern regions (vs a bikini wax) - not a type of wax itself but a specific area of waxing?
  19. Journey

    a medical discovery for deafness

    I would like to be able to be deaf for a day but I would also like to be able to try being a man for a day or even another person for a day. I think an experience like that could only teach you a better understanding of a different human condition. However, the emphasis is on the "try being"...
  20. Journey

    American Idol season 12...

    I tried. Gave it a go for about 30 minutes and that was it for me. I rarely watched it last year but hoped my interest would be sparked again this year. Nope. I think the judges make or break a show like this and, since Simon left, it's just broken (IMO).