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  1. Gobae

    ask me!

    Yup, that was the one. Speed free-soloing, not for me. Have you ever free soloed?
  2. Gobae

    ask me!

    Hey Deafclimber - Check out this video of a free solo. Gotta love that dyno in the middle.
  3. Gobae

    Question for those fluent!

    Yup, that's the sign the Deaf in our area use. (Albany, NY)
  4. Gobae

    hearing learning ASL, how long?

    I started using the ASL I had learned after ASL 2 & 3. That doesn't mean I was really comfortable doing it, but since I was mostly asking deaf customers if they needed help finding things (which only really needs a few signs, finger spelling, and basic direction giving; all covered in ASL 2) it...
  5. Gobae

    Deaf physicians

    No Deaf EMT's in NY though. A few HOH but no Deaf. :(
  6. Gobae

    Do you live in the city or rural?

    I live in upstate NY near VT. How's a population 650 for a small village?!
  7. Gobae

    Do u like laws called "No Child Left Behind"?

    NCLB is only maditory for those States who want to receive Federal funding. Utah has already decided to forego the funding and another 3-5 States are considering doing the same just so they can stop following NCLB. Utah's federal funding only accounted for 20% of their state educational...
  8. Gobae

    Immersing myself in the Deaf community...

    That's not totally true. Many people can become indistinguishable from a native user of the language with 7-9 YEARS of TOTAL immersion. *Total* immersion means no use of your first language while immersed BTW. Chasingfreedom, given the constraints on your time it sounds as though immersion...
  9. Gobae

    What do you do?

    My ASL teacher had CTS surgery and they specifically did her surgey ONE hand at a time so it wouldn't be an issue. I've also seen people who've had their jaws wired shut (because they got broken) use a pointer device and word/symbol card to communicate while they were healing.This would still...
  10. Gobae

    Living In A Silent World....

    Hey Magatsu, You probably already know about this since you plan on getting your private pilot's license, but here's a Deaf Pilots' group that does "fly-ins"
  11. Gobae

    Questions about fluidity

    I can't answer the last questions, but I can answer the first one. Yes, many people are nervous when they first start out signing. Especially if they are signing out side of the classroom to someone who is Deaf. It's the same with learning any language and then using it to talk to a "real"...
  12. Gobae

    Deaf Teacher in Schools

    Most of my ASL teachers were Deaf; and it was fantastic. They really knew what they were doing because they used the language everyday of their lives. The other thing they did was to make sure we really understood what a sign meant by *how* it was used. The few hearing teachers I've had...
  13. Gobae

    What does it means to you?

    While I support the idea of "No Child Left Behind" it's worthless because there's no $$ to make it work. But, they also need to fund the other side, what I call "No Child Bored to Death" act for gifted and talented children. We have one of each in our family.
  14. Gobae

    How Many Of You Know Sign Language?...

    I first took ASL classes and ofcourse used it there with the Deaf teachers and their friends. After the classes I found it helpful when I was working retail (Learningsmith, and then CompUSA) but I only ran into Deaf customers once every couple of months. Then I became close friends...
  15. Gobae

    Do you have deaf person in ur family?

    And there seems to be more deaf lefties too. 2/3 of my Deaf ASL teachers were lefties. Over all it seems to be maybe 25% or 30% of the Deaf population, whereas left-handedness only happens 3%-5% in the general population.
  16. Gobae

    ADA Rant from a newbie

    Angel - My take on the situation is that Codger is late deafened and doesn't know Sign. But this is a guess, hopefully Codger will let us know. But, in this instance, some one typing what was said on a computer while he watched would be a quick and easy solution. It would take a while to...
  17. Gobae


    I'm pretty sure that XP Pro doesn't give you the capability to be a DNS server. You'd have to use Windows 2000 Server edition.
  18. Gobae

    question about interpreter

    Geeze, you'd think interpreters would be smarter than this. I mean, so what, ASL has multiple signs for the same thing. It's not like English doesn't have multiple words for the same thing. If this same interpreter came from MA are they going to ask us 'hearies' to change "shake" to "frap"...
  19. Gobae

    America is losing religion more and more everyday.

    As far as I'm concerned, the Christians need to keep their God out of OUR government and I'll keep my Gods and Goddesses out of OUR government too. What's good for the goose is good for the gander.
  20. Gobae

    For Parents only

    Our school district is too small and poor; so there's no cultural diversity, nor money for 'enrichment'/advanced programs. They've had to cut back to core programs and they pace them for the slowest students. As a result my daughter is bored to death (5th grade). Fortunately, I work for...