Search results

  1. Gobae

    My Dad's view on ASL, deafness and CI.

    Shel90 - That conversation must have been happy and heartbreaking all at the same time. Just out of curiosity, do you use ASL now? Is that your primary language? And if you do use mostly ASL is your dad going to go back and take more classes? It sounds like he's still very interested and...
  2. Gobae

    NAD files complaint against hosptial

    You know, I'm trying to figure out why the NAD is picking this case. There have GOT to be cases where actual injury has occurred because a Deaf person hasn't gotten an interpreter at a hospital. Given what is being reported it seems to be an odd "battle to fight". UNLESS, the Deaf mother...
  3. Gobae

    Help! Left handed child

    I'm a lefty that naturally signs right handed (mostly) but every now and then I'll swap my dominant hand in a conversation for just a few signs. I never noticed it, but my ASL teacher did and basically she said it didn't matter which hand was dominant, just pick one and stick with it. Swapping...
  4. Gobae

    Do you know any signs for countries?

    Here are the two countries I know. Scotland - The "4 hand" crosses the opposite upper arm. (Similar to the way the "H" hand does for "Hospital"). Showing the plaid pattern used on a kilt. Ireland - "Hooked 'V' (or double "X") circles the back of the opposite hand and lands. Similar to...
  5. Gobae

    Do you think Healthcare professionals should learn basic ASL ....

    I couldn't agree more. Are you thinking I'm suggesting that EMT's should learn sign so they don't need terps? I'm not suggesting anything like that at all. I'm not sure exactly where our conflict is happening. I DO think it would be very useful for them to know enough ASL to be able to...
  6. Gobae

    Do you think Healthcare professionals should learn basic ASL ....

    They cause communication problems regardless if the person is deaf or hearing. Facial trauma, pain, oxygen masks, C-collars cause communication issues for speakers; while eyes closed in pain, IV sticks, and splinted arms cause communication issues for signers. Just different issues for the...
  7. Gobae

    Do you think Healthcare professionals should learn basic ASL ....

    Dixie - I though you were a medical professional of some sort. I was paying attention to how you were using terminology in some of your other posts. Anyway, I was an EMT (NYS EMT-D, OH EMT-B, & NR EMT-A) for 10 years and one of the MAIN reasons I took sign language classes was so I could...
  8. Gobae

    Important Words in Supermarket

    Ok, I give up. What is this? :dunno2:
  9. Gobae

    Interpreter's salary

    I just wanted to add that I did a google for "sign language interpreter salary" and there seems to be fair amount of timely info on the topic (finally). Most of it comes from Universities that offer interpreting programs, but if you're going to work near the place you're taking classes this...
  10. Gobae

    Interpreter's salary

    Those figures are about 5 years old now. So, they've probably gone up some. I guess "Freelancers" and terps working for non-government agencies make more, but I don't know how much more. If I did (and it was the same or more than what I make now), I'd serious consider a career change...
  11. Gobae

    Interpreter's salary

    RID certified public school interpreters in my area (Albany, NY) make $25,000-$28,000/year depending on total years experience. Non-RID certified interpreters (and yes, school districts do hire them here) make about $3,000 less per year.
  12. Gobae

    PBS "Through Deaf Eyes"

    I "saw" it too. But it so on such a short time I couldn't read it. Thanks for posting a still.
  13. Gobae


    Think of common letter combinations then flow those combinations together. Sh, ch, th, nk, ng, etc. Double letters as well, because many double letters are not fully released and then reformed. Our ASL program actually had a specific course for fingerspelling ("Dactology"). It was very good...
  14. Gobae

    PBS "Through Deaf Eyes"

    If you've got an HD-PBS station it might have only aired in HD. Our local PBS station did that. Regular PBS was showing something different, only HD-PBS showed Through Deaf Eyes. Good thing I have HD.
  15. Gobae

    Have You EVER Taken ASL Classes?

    Guess what? You're really big "For Deaf People Only" doesn't show up until AFTER you vote. You probably should have put that in the topic title. Either that or I just can't read. So subtract 1 hearie vote.
  16. Gobae

    Driving and Emergency Vehicles (Help Needed)

    I think an Emergency Vehicle Alert system should be required in all vehicles. It should have both a visual alert and an auditory alert that overrides the vehicle's stereo system! It's not Deaf drivers that are the problem, it's the hearing ones. Dan Crowther -Former NYS EMT-D...
  17. Gobae

    why ASL cannot credit as a foreign language?

    It is accepted as a foreign language in NY State at both the College and HS levels.
  18. Gobae

    ASL class midterm assignment...

    We had a Silent Dinner as the "final" for our ASL 3 class. The teacher did this for a couple of reasons. One, so we had an understanding how even some typical events were different for Deaf people. Two, so we could use the ASL we learned in a real world setting. I must say, our Silent...
  19. Gobae


    I'm assuming that, that statement is because you feel you already have a decent signing background and years of college would just be a repeat of what you know? Well, if the ASL classes are being given at fully accredited colleges, you can typically choose to "proficiency out" of those...
  20. Gobae

    Interesting Trend in NY

    We had a HOH person get her EMT cert and ride our Ambulance. She could use the radio ok, but had to get BP's by palpation since she couldn't hear them with the stethoscope. Although the NYS EMT exam does take points away for not using the stethoscope, fortunately for her it's not an automatic...