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  1. pek1

    School Bullying, Once Silent Battle....Now a Crime

    Before the end of the school year, I saw a story on CNN online that bothered the heck out of me. A boy hanged himself after coming home from school and didn't have the nerve to tell his mother or anyone else he was being picked on. This boy could have been me, but I obviously didn't commit...
  2. pek1

    Disgusting Coworkers

    If the restrooms are dirty, what makes you think that the workers' hands' are clean, not to mention their work area?
  3. pek1

    Sarah Palin Quits

  4. pek1

    Disgusting Coworkers

    In every restaurant I visit, I try and visit their restroom. The restroom should be clean and if it isn't, not only do I think the back of the house looks like that, I will tell the manager to clean it. One looked at me as if I was nuts and I told her not to delegate it to someone else, take...
  5. pek1

    Sarah Palin Quits

  6. pek1

    Sarah Palin Quits

    I'm still a Minnesota resident, as I haven't changed my license yet. Like you, I voted for Coleman because he was a better choice than Frankenstein. Six long years with that clod is beyond belief! He'll probably be signing autographs the whole time and not do a darn thing!
  7. pek1

    Mayor’s office: Jackson memorial cost L.A. $1.4M

    Pony up, Jackson family. You charge an arm and a leg for all your shows, you can pay for this one yourselves.
  8. pek1

    Sarah Palin Quits

    I think you went over the top, Reba. That's a good thing! Now, everyone, repeat after me: If Reba can do it, so can I!
  9. pek1

    Sarah Palin Quits

    Okay people! We're getting off topic with this glbt jazz, so let's keep to our original topic! :D
  10. pek1

    Sarah Palin Quits

    kokonut, This isn't a reliable source of information as it's a blog of a wanna be. It's not credible. As a news reporter, if it's not coming from the source and reported through the media, it's not credible. The only thing above that is the actual statement from the source, such as The...
  11. pek1

    Sarah Palin Quits

    Yeah, I actually couldn't agree more with you dreama. What really alarms me is that people aren't being taught to use critical thinking. FOr instance, how many of us believe those gossip rags that are sold at the counter in stores . . . you know the ones with the headlines . . . Baby Born with...
  12. pek1

    Sarah Palin Quits

    :topic: You know what's funny? A lot of people are saying that being gay is heredity, but yet the studies for it are all recently done. Nothing dates back 100 years or more, which would be much more reliable to back that hypothesis. However, my thread isn't discussing homosexuality, is...
  13. pek1

    Advice? We want our son to be mainstreamed. He wants to go to the School for the Deaf

    I haven't been seeing one concern that I have for Jason and that is speech therapy. Yep! I'd make sure he can continue that all the way to graduation if he so chooses to stay in a deaf school. From what I read, his grammar is good, although proper pronouns need to be capitalized, punctuation...
  14. pek1

    God "Lives at the Post Office"

    :thumb: I believe there will be more than just dogs and cats up there and I also believe there will be horse riding up there and, since all knowledge is in Heaven, we won't need to be taught how to ride a horse, we just hop on and go, no worries about being thrown because it'll never happen...
  15. pek1

    Tom & Jerry

    You know, if I didn't know any better, I'd say that the cat and mouse are lovers. Mouse would be the alpha (I's eat first, you wait and watch me eat, my love!) and cat eats when mouse is finished and only when. :laugh2:
  16. pek1

    How to Teach 1 & 2 Way Hearing Alerts to Your Dog

    Snickers was actually trained to bark at me and take me to the source. She paws me instead and, especially in the mornings, it doesn't matter where she does it. Paw in the eye, I'm awake now. Other times, she just slightly paws the bed and she knows that wakes me up.
  17. pek1

    Take Your Dog to Work

    I never had a problem with Pizza Hut. Then again, I don't always have Snickers' cape on her.
  18. pek1

    Sarah Palin Quits

    Behold! :shock: A 75-post count newbie, new in June 2009! This is my thread, just like your classroom is your classroom, which you can teach whatever you want, but in my thread, I'm always right. :D And when I'm wrong, I gladly admit it. :cool2: And several of you are hijacking my thread...
  19. pek1

    Sarah Palin Quits

    TWA is not a professor; he said he was a college instructor. The difference is an MA vs. Ph.D.
  20. pek1

    Sarah Palin Quits

    Maria, Between you and Reba, the two of you are the only two whose comments I respect. I know both your backgrounds and where you're both coming from. I am so glad that I'm not the only one that feels we're all heading for trouble and that our grandchildren's grandchildren are going to be...