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  1. Breezy

    Religion forum

    I'm totally for it! And yeah like someone said earlier on, it should be about other religions as well, like Tarrot, Wicca, and so on. It'd be neat!! And just because it's there isn't forcing other's to read it. It's up to each person themself to choose whether or not to go in and read stuff...
  2. Breezy

    Spill something completely random about yourself...

    I love thunderstorms!!! I love hot, humid weather. I want to be a tornado chaser (lol) I love cats. My bf is Polish. I hate Hearing Exchange :evil:
  3. Breezy

    I'm back.

    Agreed! Naj (she's new here) and i used to belong to a site called Hearing Exchange, and omg, you couldn't do anything on that site! It was strictly "hearing issues only" They had a chat everynight that we would go to, and you could only talk about "hearing issues only" and ugh...this place...
  4. Breezy

    Color HA's and Ha's molds...

    EW!!! FUCK!!! lol mine are beige too!!! I've always wanted purple. I just got a new one in my right, and i've always wondered if they could change the casing to purple instead of ugly beige. The aide in my left is 5 years old and works well, but when it dies i'm getting purple! Oh, i am so...
  5. Breezy

    I'm bored...HI!

    Najoobafoo! Thanx for mentioning me, Naj :evil: :slap: (just kidding) :slap:
  6. Breezy

    Working Advice

    NO! NOTHING IS IMPOSSIBLE!!! lol. That's EXACTLY what i want to do!!! I want to work in a Deaf school and/or teach Deaf Culture in a hearing school (i'm HOH) It's amazing that hearing ppl want to do this since there isn't much attention paid to Deaf Education (IMO).
  7. Breezy

    Have Things Gotten Better or Worse?

    I think ppl are becoming more acceptable of it - and i don't know if 'acceptable' is the right term to use, but i think that because there is a lot more Deaf Awarness now that ppl's eyes are opening up to a whole new culture, and it's amazing. Ppl i work with are amazed that i'm HOH and that i...
  8. Breezy

    Question about the word "audism"

    It doesn't even exist in the dictionary. Yet 'Bootylicious' does....
  9. Breezy

    Lost my hearing aid!

    Shouldn't you have a warranty on it? I know that i can lose my for up to 2 years and it iwll be replaced, but any time after that there's nothing they can do about it. That sucks though. I often can't find mine, and i take them out at ppl's houses and can't find them. Maybe the next time you...
  10. Breezy

    New hearing aids.

    I have a Widex Senso Diva in my left ear, and a Unitron Unison in my right. I"ve had my Widex for eons though, and it still works really well.
  11. Breezy

    Deaf Teacher in Schools

    That's cool! My ASL teacher is deaf as well. I'm HOH and wouldn't want to learn ASL from a hearing person, they don't understand what it's like for deaf/HOH people who need it. Hearing ASL teachers make stupid general assumptions about deaf/HOH people and how to speak to people who use ASL. In...
  12. Breezy

    be gentle...

    Hey Canuckdiver!! I'm from Ontario myself (5 hours from Michigan as well) and i'm HOH (hard of hearing) I sign too. Enjoy your time here!!
  13. Breezy

    DONT LAUGH!! promise!?? :P

  14. Breezy

    Dry and Store - Is It Worth It?

    LOL!! This thread is hysterical with what your HA's have gone through!!! I've worn mine in the shower, in the rain, left them on the counter, left them in the bathroom while i have a long hot shower for half an hour, i wear them in the blazing hot weather and leave them in the sun. They're just...
  15. Breezy

    Being Deaf....

    Omg yes, all the time. It sucks coz they just like ignore you, and when you miss something and they have to repeat it, and you don't understand what they mean and ask them to repeat it again, they make it seem like it's this big deal. They make you feel stupid when you don't know what they're...
  16. Breezy

    Survivor: Palau

    Sweet!! Thanx! I'm so psyched now!!I can't wait!!! I really hope that they have a Survivor Allstars II, and that Christy is on it!!!! SHE OWNS!!!!
  17. Breezy

    Smurf Name Generator ( CUTE CUTE )

    Chesty Smurf :fly:
  18. Breezy

    What brand of hearing aids do you wear?

    Unitron Unison in my right, Widex Senso Diva in my left. Why 2 different brands? because i got each aid 5 years apart. Widex's upped their price by about $500 apparently, and Untiron is pretty much the same, only cheaper:D
  19. Breezy

    Digital Hearing Aid question Re: M-T-MT

    hey Leroy. that's really shitty about your aunts situation. I hope that she didn't get ripped off. How much was it? (don't worry about what unit of currency, i know how to convert pounds in $) If she is able to return it and go to a proper audiologist, i'm assuming that she didn't, that would be...
  20. Breezy

    Rate the avatar above!

    ^^an 8.