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  1. Breezy

    New to the community.

    *bows down to you* I AM OBSESSED WITH SUE THOMAS F.B.EYE!!!! LOL!!! I'm right next to you in Ontario!!! ha ha!!! I'm HOH though!!!! Good luck and have fun here! I'M CHECKING OUT YOUR SITE DAMNITT!!!!! lol
  2. Breezy

    New in a way...

    No, Kayla was in jail, i put her there. But i decided i would let her out for thanxgiving (since she's American and i had already had mine) and she escaped.....
  3. Breezy

    New Hearing Aid Tomorrow!!!!!!!!!!!!

    YAY I GOT THEM!!!! lol. It's amazing!! Yeah it feels weird having one in my right coz i'm only used to having one in my left, but i can hear things!!!! I played the piano today (i'm classically trained) and for the first time in eons i didn't have to pound the keys to hear it!!!!!
  4. Breezy

    How Popular Is Your Name? :)

    Real name Brianne, but people call me Bree, not very popular. It's Irish for 'strong'.
  5. Breezy

    New Hearing Aid Tomorrow!!!!!!!!!!!!

    I get my new hearing aid for my right ear tomorrow!!! I'm getting a Unitron Unison and i'm really psyched! I'll be able to hear out of both ears!! I never have! I already wear SensoDiva in my left and it helps me immensely...i'm so psyched! Lol! WOOO HOOO!!!
  6. Breezy

    If you had a choice to pick a time you like to be born in and why?

    Herm...i'd have to say late 1800's to early 1900's. Just something about that time really facinates me. They were so naive and trusted any new technology. I would have loved to have been on the Titanic (or have seen it. I wouldn't want to die on it though) I read a good book called...
  7. Breezy

    Hi! I've been lurking...

    :bye: Hi Kaimia!!! I'm 19 as well and i'm severly HoH. I think my MSN addy is in my profile if you ever wanna chat!! If not send a PM!:D I totally understand what you are going through! It's great to have someone your age to chat to, as well as people who are HOH and or deaf. Do you wear hearing...
  8. Breezy

    wax is out of ears.

    I was a cashier at dirty Zellers and it was a bitch. It doesn't matter how many lights there are to indicate what ran through and what's an error, it's still near impossible to hear the little beep. Good luck!! I know what you're going through!!!
  9. Breezy

    going to adui tomorrow

    I went to the audie today actually. I"m getting a hearing aid for my right ear to go with the one in my left. I have sensodiva ones. Just ask for a hearing test if they think it's necissary.
  10. Breezy

    Hearing Aids users

    DUDE!!! That happened to me in school today! We were watching some thing and my left one started beeping!!!!!!!!!! So annoying, plus other people can hear it.
  11. Breezy

    Who wears hearing aids?

    What's the address to that Listen Up site if you dont mind?
  12. Breezy

    Who wears hearing aids?

    Yep that's what i heard too... that sounds about right.