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  1. hacker

    aim vb example..

    that is resource kit. go store buy full verison of visual basic or go take class learn. blahhhhhhh.
  2. hacker

    aim vb example..

    what the f**. it dosent matter.
  3. hacker

    Help! If cancelling AOL..

    Okay, isnt newbie like u.
  4. hacker

    Help! If cancelling AOL..

    yes that and other for cancel aol and aim get suspended.
  5. hacker

    New Netsky32 computer virus

    It a worm W32/Netsky32-C is spreading across the internet via emails, kazaa networks and the ICQ chat system using SMTP engine
  6. hacker

    Help! If cancelling AOL..

    If you cancel aol accounts and can't sign on aim screennambe bc, it been on SUSPENDED ACCOUNT never sign on back again u gotta create new sn.
  7. hacker


    both, spy bot and adware are not same it different. spybot is for exploit stuffs
  8. hacker

    aim vb example..

    blah blah.. newbie n00b you need Visual Basic Software to install.
  9. hacker

    im back....

    were u at wpsd esdda few week ago?
  10. hacker

    i'm back?

    Want me back or not?
  11. hacker

    Happy Birthday Kevbo!

    Happy B*Day to kevbo, here sn SIZ : deafhax00rj00 add end fake space ;) -deaf haxor
  12. hacker

    i'm back?

  13. hacker


    :thumbd: it's old stroy everyone aledy know about it eh k . :Owned:
  14. hacker

    Animation GIF

  15. hacker

    visual basic 6 expert needed

    ehh :applause:
  16. hacker

    ADV2 prog CHAT

    irc? omg it so gay..
  17. hacker

    ADV2 prog CHAT

    wtf? it none pws omg go hex it newb f00! :ugh:
  18. hacker

    ADV2 prog CHAT

    download ADV2, chat u will gotta loveit..
  19. hacker


    download Adv chat
  20. hacker


    here go.. Alldeaf mesg