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  1. Serendipity

    So Long NYC, We're going to Arizona on Cab

    NYC couple hail cab for 2,400-mile ride - Yahoo! News
  2. Serendipity

    I kicked out my roommate today!

    Well, I don't know because I always heard that from friends. I don't have a situation with a roommate yet myself and doubtfully so. I am not looking for an argument. I only see what I have been told.
  3. Serendipity

    I kicked out my roommate today!

    If you're the one with the name on the lease, you have the right to kick unwanted (unsigned) roommate, 30 days notice or not. You are within your rights on your lease.
  4. Serendipity

    *sigh* cant sleep...

    Drink some cranberry juice. It will help clean the bacteria out of bladder, but going to a doctor is a better option.
  5. Serendipity

    when i got married one days i will intives you to my wedding ceremony

    Long Distance relationship is a lot of hard work, including a lot of commitments! It is not really a great idea, IMO.
  6. Serendipity

    Awesome Trick!

    That's old. I have seen it before.
  7. Serendipity

    Woman Saved by Crap

    LOL but hey, feces are currently serving more than just a purpose!
  8. Serendipity

    question about deaf people's writing skill

    ASL is my native language, then English. I had no problem interpreting from ASL to written English. Sure, it took a long time but it is worth my own time, in my opinion. It is really depending on how capable everyone drifting back and forth with their first language and written language.
  9. Serendipity

    Woman faces death penalty in S.D.

    Killing someone due to jealousy is beyond me, really. Deaf or not, she deserves the death penalty. According to The Social Process Theory, everyone regardless race, gender and class, has the potential to become delinquents or criminals. I don't care if s/he isdeaf or not, s/he had killed...
  10. Serendipity

    NCAA basketball champion

  11. Serendipity

    So long, AD

    And have two toes of yours removed after saying this twice.
  12. Serendipity


    A fool's joke unless you have ultrasound scan picture with the name on it! :-P
  13. Serendipity

    Boy survives 9-floor fall

    Hot damn. He's a miracle who gets another chance at life.
  14. Serendipity

    So long, AD

    You have been fooled! April's fool! Noobs, lighten up.
  15. Serendipity

    So long, AD

    I have came to a decision that I should not come back for good. I have my own life to live. I'm in school, trying to finish it up. I realize I have a life outside besides here. So long, guys and gals. Wish you all the best of luck here, ADers! :wave: :wave: Signing off.
  16. Serendipity

    Unusual names for children

    Coco Crisp. Coco is just a nickname. His real name is way unusual.
  17. Serendipity

    Unusual names for children

    Someone named Drain who happens to be sharing the same birthday with me.
  18. Serendipity

    why must hate our country?

    Hawaii wasn't a state on December 7, 1941. I know Americans were living in that island when it happened. Should we worry about the other countries? Their customs and beliefs, THAT is their problems not us. We only need to worry about our own, that's all.