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  1. M

    Paris Hilton's Sidekick hacked?

    Here's a big list of news articles from MANY sites:
  2. M

    New BlackBerry now better than Sidekick (but more expensive)

    Here's more information for this. In answer to your questions:Problem: Web is not usable (too slow) Solution: For the fastest BlackBerry web experience, you should make sure you have one of the newer 32 megabyte BlackBerries. You should install the third-party Reqwireless Webviewer from...
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    Good news for BlackBerry users on T-Mobile / AT&T / Nextel!

    UPDATE: Verizon Supports Relay/Verichat Too (Model 7250) Good news! You can also do this on Verizon too, if you have the new BlackBerry model 7250. A friend of mine successfully used MCI Wireless IP Relay (much better than AIM relay) on a BlackBerry via Idokorro MobileSSH. Verichat...
  4. M

    CANADIANS: I invented a wireless relay service. Help me commercialize!

    rushabh, No, not yet. It may be possible in the future, using 3-way calling, and a TDD modem, using a network that allows simultaneous voice and data. Alternatively, you can buy two phones (one for voice, one for data) and pull mobile VCO. MiniTTY does work on the Treo600 and Treo650...
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    CANADIANS: I invented a wireless relay service. Help me commercialize!

    Good point about Google Local. I'll remember that next time!
  6. M

    Wyndtell Pager RIM 950 anyone?

    RIM950 makes a good pocket notepad, though. If McDonald's cannot understand you, just type "May I have a Bacon Double Cheeseburger combo with Coke" and show them the RIM950 screen :D It can be used as a glow-in-the-dark notepad for bedside use, sometimes easier to type than to lipread in...
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    CANADIANS: I invented a wireless relay service. Help me commercialize!

    How do I contact Scott Simser? I did a Google Search on him, but I could not find contact information.
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    CANADIANS: I invented a wireless relay service. Help me commercialize!

    deaflibrarian, Thank you very much for posting the links. Excellent time-saving research material! On another subject, I also got two emails giving me helpful information such as that, nothing concrete yet as of yesterday (Will check again tonight). Keep the information coming, everyone...
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    CANADIANS: I invented a wireless relay service. Help me commercialize!

    Yes, I knew it was a risk posting this invention publicly. However, it is much easier for me to generate ideas, get advice, spread the word, if I publicly post about such a system. The problem is that there is no wireless relay in CANADA. It`s much easier for me to find help by a public...
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    CANADIANS: I Invented a Wireless Bell Canada Relay Service! [Who Should I Contact?]

    Everyone.... I was so frustrated that Canada doesn't have the cool wireless relay service stuff that the Americans has. So I invented my own wireless relay system! Here is the software that I invented for my own personal use. I am probably the only deaf person in Canada who has the luxury of...
  11. M

    GOOD NEWS! Easy Incoming RELAY calls on Sidekick, Hiptop and BlackBerry!

    If you have any comments or compliments about my photographs, please post your reply here in this thread instead:
  12. M

    CANADIANS: I invented a wireless relay service. Help me commercialize!

    If anyone knows of any Canadian organizations or government departments where I can apply for a grant, to fund the further development and commercialization of this product, please let me know. Or any businesses I can work with, partner with, etc. Please note, this system can be...
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    CANADIANS: I invented a wireless relay service. Help me commercialize!

    Thanks. I will go check out that link. Just so you know, anyone can contact me at by the way. By the way, you may notice that the conversation is the same on several devices. That's my demonstration of the "Call Transfer" feature. That means I can transfer from my...
  14. M

    CANADIANS: I invented a wireless relay service. Help me commercialize!

    My server-based TDD software can be used as both a Wireless AND Desktop TDD/TTY/Relay system. In fact, it has become my primary TDD/TTY/Relay system now, even for non-wireless desktop use at home!
  15. M

    GOOD NEWS! Easy Incoming RELAY calls on Sidekick, Hiptop and BlackBerry!

    Not possible yet. I'm still the only guy. I need a grant from the Canadian Government, a business partnership, a licensing deal, or similiar, to help me commercialize this system in Canada. If anybody can help me, please email me back at ... It's not a pager-specific...
  16. M

    CANADIANS: I invented a wireless relay service. Help me commercialize!

    Help! I was so frustrated that Canada doesn't have the cool wireless relay service stuff that the Americans has. So I invented my own wireless relay system! Here is the software that I invented for my own personal use. I am probably the only deaf person in Canada who has the luxury of this...
  17. M

    GOOD NEWS! Easy Incoming RELAY calls on Sidekick, Hiptop and BlackBerry!

    Here is the software that I invented for my own personal use. I am probably the only person in Canada who has the luxury of this system in Canada. Features Of My Universal Wireless Server-Based TDD Software: - Designed to work with BELL CANADA RELAY SERVICE, but can be modified to any relay...