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  1. GeorgiaDeaf

    If you have babies, please come on over here

    I agreed with the others. I researched and tried cloth diaper w/ my daughter. cloth diaper tend to cause rash often cuz it don't stay dry and absorb like the disposable diaper. Also I bought the box of diaper from Sam's club and it save money compared to washing diapers, disposal pail...
  2. GeorgiaDeaf

    Why Nice Women Are Attracted to Jerks?

    that s my sis in law..
  3. GeorgiaDeaf

    Where did you had Your Baby?

    before I gave a birth to a baby, I imagined the worst.. long pregnancy, labor pains, long labor pushing.... but it never happen to me. I was lucky! I gave birth to baby girl, in 2 hrs. at the hospital. it s nice cuz these people bring drinks, and foods.. give me clean clothes and...
  4. GeorgiaDeaf

    formula-bottle via breast milk

    I still breastfed my daughter, 10 months old now. starts to become less like 4-3 times a day now. I choose it cuz it s less stress and convenience for us. washing bottles and making sure the temp of the milk is right... etc. also, it s best health for the baby and help me relax too...
  5. GeorgiaDeaf

    Breastmilk or formula....

    I heard w/ all others about the important point for the baby is getting fed. no matter which breastmilk or formula. I supported formula for many reasons is when mom is sick herself using meds, smoker, baby's digestion, and also mother give away the baby for adoption or mother's death...
  6. GeorgiaDeaf

    ESPN 2k5 cheap at 19.99!

    Check out and - it looks like ESPN 2k5 football game will sell at 19.99... this has never happened before. Looks like Sega wants to take market share away from EA Sports. I was going to get Madden 2005 but now the new price has me convinced to buy ESPN 2k5. What...
  7. GeorgiaDeaf

    Deaf Peeves

    i don't speak at all. I am stinking at speech! I use ASL all the time.
  8. GeorgiaDeaf


    from what i heard, blackberry is strong and not breakable than sidekick is.. My husband likes to research on technology online and told me another day about it. even we don t have sidekick or blackberry.
  9. GeorgiaDeaf

    Comics Reagan

    thanks for sharing that. some comics i laughed at.. :p
  10. GeorgiaDeaf

    Self-Tattooing Machine

    no thanks! looks like she s in a lot of pains! I rather go to a professional so I can tell the pro to stop when I need a break! he he
  11. GeorgiaDeaf

    Deaf Peeves

    lol, you all are funny. also i forgot to type it down here when I finally rememeber what deaf peeves are.. I went to a graduation party yesterday and one deaf woman came up to me and asked me if i am deaf or hearing ? I said why? of course i am deaf. she said ohh you don't look deaf ...
  12. GeorgiaDeaf

    Magical Name Acronym Generator!

    c<table bgcolor='#99ffff' border=3 bordercolor='#0033ff' cellspacing=0 cellpadding=3><tr><td align=center bgcolor=white><font size=+2 style='color: black;'>J</font></td><td valign=middle align=left><font style='color: black;'><b>Joyous</b></font></td></tr><tr><td align=center bgcolor=white><font...
  13. GeorgiaDeaf

    How many siblings do you have?

    I have 2 brothers. I am middle kid. hate it.
  14. GeorgiaDeaf

    Deaf Peeves

  15. GeorgiaDeaf

    Could you speak and lipead?

    lol y'all are funny. I can lipread but not speak. I cannot pronounce the words right like some deafies can hear a bit or hearies. I m deaf like a rock and hearing aids don't help at all. :( hah. I can relate to your experiences cuz I watched my oral deaf husband struggle and told me his...
  16. GeorgiaDeaf


    I understood your point about that. Not "most" . Some deaf people don't have good grammar in English cuz' of their education. I am signing ASL all of my life and went mainstream at public school. I'm a top student in my English class with other hearings. They are shocked and surprised at...
  17. GeorgiaDeaf


    cuz they are jealous of you and others who can speak well and can communicate in the real world. I am deaf and use ASL. I wish I could learn to speak well or Oral like y'all and my husband is oral deaf. He communciated w/ his family and our daughter Lisa orally and he signs very well in...
  18. GeorgiaDeaf

    Happy Birthday Frisky Feline!!

    Happy B day to you! there are many people's b day in JUNE! wow !
  19. GeorgiaDeaf

    just out of curious

    ah, i know what that is now. NO thanks, I am Christian and don't believe in another god or gods or nature etc.
  20. GeorgiaDeaf

    My DirtyOldMan's b-day 2day.

    wow ! another birthday!! Happy B day to you!! don't party too hard! :D