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  1. J


    Can I get your first name, please? I honestly looked through my messages, and I should have been more careful with the way I said things. I don't know how else to ask questions, and without some kind of help, I'm not going to figure it out. There's probably many CART providers that get on...
  2. J


    I just didn't know the abbreviation. I'm right now studying at AIB to either caption or do CART work. I just learned the alphabet in sign language... I don't know much, but I'm learning and I think that's better than nothing.
  3. J


    What do you mean?
  4. J


    Okay, I'm sorry. Although, you have no right to have started attacking me at the beginning of all of this. I ask one question and everything is blown out of proportion. I just want to learn about this. I know it's hard for me to come out asking these questions in the beginning of...
  5. J


    Jillio, I would like for you to quit being so rude to me. People are telling me that I need to learn more, hey that's obvious. I haven't been living in your world for any length of time. Shouldn't you at least be able to accept the fact that I want to learn more about it? How do you learn...
  6. J


    Thank you for that web site. :) What is ASL?
  7. J


    I'm sorry ma'am, but you're seeming a little stereotypical. When I said "I really want to provide a service to people and let them have as many opportunities to experience whatever their heart desires. Example: Go to a baseball game. I want to do your captions while you're at that game so they...
  8. J


    Would you mind telling me about those setbacks if they deal with your son being deaf and what your steps were to getting your child on the right track when you found out he was deaf?
  9. J


    Well, don't think that my answer goes for everyone who is in the CART industry, but I knew somebody who was going to be a court reporter, and I heard it was very challenging. I was intrigued and found out that there was captioning as an option at my school. I decided to major in captioning...
  10. J


  11. J


    Really? I go to school at AIB.. if you've ever heard of there.
  12. J


    very well said. :) So you haven't had any personal challenges throughout ur life and setbacks because you're deaf? Do you have a job? Have you been asked to present something to a group? Do you worry your children will be hearing?
  13. J


    Before I go and work for somebody, I will for sure go out and be sure to have a conversation with someone who is deaf. I even hope to learn sign language, so I can communicate with them without pen and paper. I'm just trying to get a little bit of information so I can present to my class. I've...
  14. J


    I don't know anybody deaf. I was introduced to this web site, and I thought it's the closest I can get to getting questions answered. I see you're not really willing to help answering a few simple questions, so I will browse and come up with my own answers. I just didn't want to get wrong...
  15. J


    Actually, yes it is. I'm going to school to be either a captioner or a CART provider, and I need to learn more about this subject, challenges you face. I obviously don't know much, so anything would be helpful.
  16. J


    I didn't mean to offend you, if that's how it came across. I'm just wondering what your main worries are and if being deaf makes you feel like you lack importance in society because your ways of communicating are different.
  17. J


    Hi, my name is Jessie, and I'm wondering what your biggest challenge in life is while being deaf. Do you worry more about school, your kids, what people think about you....How have you tried to overcome these obstacles you face everyday?
  18. J

    Bad CART?

    I'm thinking about getting a CART provider for during my classes.. could you guys tell me about your good experiences, bad experiences and what you look for in a good CART provider?