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  1. girlygti

    Amazing Pictures

  2. girlygti

    for hearing group only , What is ur comment about deaf group ?

    I don't see much difference from the hearing world and the deaf world. Deaf people tend to be more caring in my point of view.But thats it Where their are so many Jerks in the hearing world. Let me share some personal info. My brother who is deaf, feels it is nessary to make friends...
  3. girlygti

    Name sign

    I need help finding a sign for my name.... Can anyone help me out? :(
  4. girlygti

    Wat ur Sign Language for F4ck ?

    or better yet... we can be like kurmit
  5. girlygti

    Wat ur Sign Language for F4ck ?

    mine is
  6. girlygti

    post any funny picture

    heres another one
  7. girlygti

    post any funny picture

  8. girlygti

    Stiff Discipline After Schoolboys' Viagra Prank

  9. girlygti

    Age difference

    It depends on the person, some can be very young and act over 30! And some could be old and trying to live as if they were a kid again. Just gotta hang around and see how they act around you... Some people like them young and some don't ... Just a matter of prefrence
  10. girlygti

    first move

    I normally just sit back and see how they react when I flirt... If they come over...great i,f not... depends how much I like them if I go over their to talk.
  11. girlygti

    Who does NOT want to have children ?

    It all depends what problem you have with your thyroid condition. I know a lady who had some kinda of grow on it (non-cancer) and they said she did not need to have them removed unless she wanted to have a child. So it depends if is is active or inactive or has some kind of grow on it.... As far...
  12. girlygti

    Guess what?!?! I'm..

    sewer lover
  13. girlygti

    Who does NOT want to have children ?

    I have two cats. I got them both when they where Kittens... And I enjoy them so much! Except when they want to bad.. Then I think about Kidds. Right now I would a bad mother... I want to have a house first.. then I will think about kidds. Maybe 2 in the future
  14. girlygti

    new 4 me

    lol... I went to best buy and bought a computer set to teach me ASL (4 cd set) plus went to library and got signing for dummies! since I feel like a dummie... maybe this will help! WIsh me me luck! When I get good, I have to sign to you all!! some how....
  15. girlygti

    new 4 me

    He is 27
  16. girlygti

    new 4 me

    Well my brother and I communicate with reading lips and also just talking. I wanted to learn sign but he really did not have the time to teach me. Now he does... And I want to communicate in general with people... I can sign to him or whom ever. My brother said he learned esl then asl. But...
  17. girlygti

    Post ur OWN3D pics!

    poor baby..
  18. girlygti

    Amazing Pictures

    What do you think? I saw this on a friends signature...
  19. girlygti

    Amazing Pictures

    getting drunk and falling asleep at a party is never good!