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  1. JanatheShort

    Bill: No snacks for food stamp users

    So you don't care that people will die?
  2. JanatheShort

    Hearing-Deaf Etiquette

    I do that. it's just my personality... Life is hard, I'd rather laugh than cry. I watched a video we had to made for a class today. Apparently I DO laugh and talk at the same time. I also said the word "ummm" 21 times in two and a half minutes. :shock: Anyway, what I have learned...
  3. JanatheShort

    Bill: No snacks for food stamp users

    I'm sure all of the soldiers who die will be really happy that you have a job because they are dead. :thumbd:
  4. JanatheShort

    Random Vents.....

    I've never heard of Checkers. Hmm. We have an A&W here but it is like 45 minutes away... but man... a rootbeer float in one of their frosty mugs?? TOTALLY worth the drive!!!!
  5. JanatheShort

    What are you thinking about? Part V

  6. JanatheShort

    What did you learn today? Part II

    OH! I do crochet. I *heart* crocheting, and have even been known to randomly crochet in classes and while watching movies or waiting at restaurants. :giggle:
  7. JanatheShort

    What did you learn today? Part II

    I'm completely impressed by this!!!! You know, I tried to knit a scarf one winter... and the next winter... LOL it still isn'[t done. I'm pathetically slow at knitting.
  8. JanatheShort

    What are you thinking about? Part V

    Ohhhhhhhhh small town. That explains a lot. Everything in a small town involves large amounts of meddling. I am not a fan of small towns.
  9. JanatheShort

    What are you thinking about? Part V

    Dixie, your church sounds cultish. I worry about you.
  10. JanatheShort

    What are you thinking about? Part V

    Was she telling you out of love, or just to meddle in your business? It's nice if people tell you when you are doing something that they think might be a problem for you later... though I'm always annoyed when they tell me lol I hate meddlers though. They should really get their own lives...
  11. JanatheShort


    I think at this point, the therapeutic advice would be: Just do it. Instead of waiting for someone to fix you, just go out there with people, suck at it, try again, suck at it less, try again, etc. You'll never grow or develop if you wait for a perfect fix... there isn't a perfect fix. Each...
  12. JanatheShort

    This could only happen to me.

    So my husband bought a catapult last weekend to make... it was from a little kit, with wooden pieces. Since then, he has amused himself by launching little balls of clay across the house. Then, he got bored, and launched peanut M&Ms at me, trying to get them down my shirt. :giggle: A...
  13. JanatheShort

    What did you learn today? Part II

    I consider a lace pattern for a scarf to be very important!!! Did you knit or crochet it?
  14. JanatheShort

    My Back Yard Paradise

    Reading this thread makes me miss having a yard... I loved planting flowers and watching them grow.
  15. JanatheShort


    Interesting. I have been reading about how early experiences such as neglect, not having verbal communications, etc. affects the growth and development of children... (For my child abuse and neglect class, not for this... and yes, I think your experience would be much more similar to a child...
  16. JanatheShort

    Bill: No snacks for food stamp users

    Yes, the prices of bills and food prices have gone up - for everyone. You are worried about being able to buy soda? Food Stamps was made for people who were worried about going hungry. If you are only worried about buying soda - maybe you don't need Food Stamps at all. Drink water instead...
  17. JanatheShort

    Bill: No snacks for food stamp users

    Out of curiosity, why do you believe you should have more?
  18. JanatheShort


    *curious* what is a lazy signer?
  19. JanatheShort

    Hearing-Deaf Etiquette

    Does smiling while talking make it hard to lipread too? *worried*
  20. JanatheShort

    Random Vents.....

    That sucks!!!!!!!!!!!!! I haven't hada BK onion ring in ages... they were good!