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  1. JanatheShort

    Bill: No snacks for food stamp users

    Yeah, even I have to agree. I would have said it was a good opportunity for parent education, except I looked at what they fed the child... Chicken nuggets???? Where exactly on a chicken can one find a nugget? And then they are battered in extra bread? Nope... If they are going to...
  2. JanatheShort

    Gallaudet is perfect

    I can't say anything specifically about Gallaudet... but if they use general textbooks, you can find some really great deals online. is good, but also is great. There are some other sites but I don't remember them. A lot of places let you rent books, and yeah...
  3. JanatheShort

    Health Care Setting.

    What is a "troll"?
  4. JanatheShort

    Love or hate Valentine's Day?

    I always hated Vday... we used to celebrate it by having all the single women come to my house and we would eat chocolate and watch horror movies. Then, 5 years ago, my dad died on Feb 13... and now it still sucks, even though I have been married 4 years. BUT we did have fun going out for...
  5. JanatheShort

    my birthday

    Happy birthday!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!! (Sorry it's late!)
  6. JanatheShort

    CI users and the Deaf community

    I was not suggesting it was an opinion... and my questions weren't about history, they were about how things are now. I replied, with a :hmm: reply, to show you that I listened to your comment and was thinking about it. I really hate it when I explain something or answer a question, and the...
  7. JanatheShort

    Me Being Daring

    :applause: Great job being brave! Since I dont know BSL I can't give you any feedback, but wow I give you definate credit for your bravery1!!
  8. JanatheShort

    CI users and the Deaf community

    Hmm... I want to reply to this with an intelligent question... but none of the things I'm wondering seem very intelligent. I'll think about this a bit and reply later. :hmm:
  9. JanatheShort


    Pinterest / Home Join it... You will love it.
  10. JanatheShort

    CI users and the Deaf community

    Umm... wouldn't that be a better arguement for ASL? I mean... that would leave children with no language for years and years... and that seems really frustrating and umm... bad.
  11. JanatheShort

    CI users and the Deaf community

    So, ASL, texting, writing notes, etc?
  12. JanatheShort

    CI users and the Deaf community

    What kind of alternative communication?
  13. JanatheShort

    Bill: No snacks for food stamp users

    Wow. Let me just summarize what I understand of this. Someone set Steve up to try to solicit a minor girl. Steve fell for it. Steve is mad about being set up. :shock: DUDE. You tried to solicit a minor!!!! Your problems are MUCH bigger than being set up! And then you come...
  14. JanatheShort

    Receptive Skill

    AWESOME to see how your skills are coming along! Can't wait til I get ot that point.
  15. JanatheShort


    It's really awesome, and I'm glad I joined!!! Ocean, him... there is a way to install a bookmark in your favorites bar. Then, anytime you see a pic you like, you can click the "pin it" bookmark and add the pin to your boards. To install it... click on "about" and then "Pin it button"...
  16. JanatheShort

    What did you do today? Part II

    Glad you had fun!!!!! Sorry the son was bored. Perhaps he could bring an electronic game of some sort with him? Of if you want to encourage him to socialize... hehe have him bring homework. :giggle: Nothing encourages socialization like homework to avoid...
  17. JanatheShort

    You use that for WHAT?

    If any of you want to add me on Pinterest, just message me and I'll send my username to you :) or send me yours, whatever is easy for you.
  18. JanatheShort

    Facebook Parenting: Troubled teen. (did the father overreact?)

    After seeing the updates on how the dad and daughter are doing... I'm totally good with this, even the weapon part. :)
  19. JanatheShort

    What did you do today? Part II

    Oh my. How did you learn this kinda scary life lesson?
  20. JanatheShort

    CI users and the Deaf community

    You have really interesting things to say. I wonder why the CI wing is seperate from the other children? Perhaps because oral skills are emphasized more than ASL? I tried to look at the school's website but didn't find anything about the CI program. I wonder if your experience is common of...