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  1. SherryCherish

    I have an announcement!

    OoO soon! thats so exciting!
  2. SherryCherish


    RR whats sticky mean? lol, well we did pick name but sitll not sure what to decide for certain yet. Thanks. Northstar, thanks for thoughtful! :)
  3. SherryCherish


  4. SherryCherish


    thanks.. :)
  5. SherryCherish

    all set.... to.... go...

    seem ur surgery go well from the pics.
  6. SherryCherish


    OldNavy, lol at least u see me in person, so belly did show. haha. Northstar, yeah it would be busy with 3rd kid, but this would be my last one. Angel, lol its more likely Christmas present. PurrMeow, yes its my 3rd Fozyape, leave u on floor after ur thud heehee. Thanks everyone...
  7. SherryCherish

    bad news in my family

    i'm sorry to hear. hope surgery go well, pray for your cousin and the family
  8. SherryCherish

    Alabama, Alabama... WHOOO!

    wow i did got snowing here too, aww its a good pic of Jaci snowman when melt.
  9. SherryCherish


    LOL, thanks, we couldn't help it, we re too sizzling for each other eh. But this baby is my last one.
  10. SherryCherish

    candy wrapper

    thanks everyone,
  11. SherryCherish


    lol this one will be last, the name i rather to be surprise.. thanks everyone.
  12. SherryCherish


    yeah 3 kids but really 4 kids.. stepdaughter include. hehe. thanks!
  13. SherryCherish


    yeah u got that right lol, thanks..
  14. SherryCherish


    thanks Roses
  15. SherryCherish

    candy wrapper

    if u have any theme of hawaii, or paper look like hawaii.. u can add flower inside to out from wrapper.. .. up to you. so u having a hawaii theme of wedding, it would be awesome!
  16. SherryCherish


    I'm pretty exciting, i'm expecting another one, due on July 26, and, i'm 15 weeks along. and so far saw ultrasound, its a boy!
  17. SherryCherish

    candy wrapper

    good idea, tweety.. i would do for mine too lolz
  18. SherryCherish

    candy wrapper

    it is fun if ur kids are older would like to help and do to work as family. its nice to have that project.
  19. SherryCherish

    What are u doing on Valentine's Day?

    its usually normal on valentine, like school/work, but after that, we will eat out and enjoy be with kids. Of course kids will get small gifts from us and I will get something for my bf. I know my bf already got me early lol.
  20. SherryCherish

    candy wrapper

    thanks. its easy to do, use regular paper, and use ur creative on the paper.. and divide 8 on one page, and cut them up, and super glue on it. pretty easy.