Search results

  1. me_punctured

    Cheesecake Factory

    Wow. I can't believe the enthusiasm over the Cheesecake Factory. I'm from Los Angeles, so I'm no stranger to the restaurant. I always order the same thing from the menu: fire-roasted fresh artichokes. It's listed as an appetizer, but I consider it my meal. As much as I am in love with the...
  2. me_punctured

    Deaf employees in the armed services

    I love the mythical allusion. Selene is one lucky goddess! Although I scratch my head at how they managed to produce fifty daughters and zero sons.
  3. me_punctured

    Hi, from China

    I'd love to visit both universities. My yeng-yeng graduated from Peking University. He studied Chinese literature.
  4. me_punctured

    School Admissions

    I actually grew up a stone's throw away from UCLA and took courses there when I was in high school. It's a gorgeous university overall. Why do I detect regret in your tone about picking UCLA over Berkeley? How do you like UCLA? Both schools, in my opinion, are comparable in academic quality...
  5. me_punctured

    S.D. banned Abortion.

    If you're against abortion, don't get one.
  6. me_punctured

    How is everyone dealing with TIME CHANGE?

    I wonder if the time change affects work productivity and increases the likelihood of automobile accidents due to the disruption of sleep schedules.
  7. me_punctured

    Prayer Fails

    Agreed. One glance at the title of your thread and I was initially convinced that you were arguing that prayer does not work, period, regardless of its purpose in individual cases and general.
  8. me_punctured

    Reasons Why the English Language is Hard to Learn

    :rofl: :rofl: :rofl: :rofl: :rofl: :rofl: :rofl: :rofl: :rofl: :rofl: :rofl: :rofl: Finally, another person is catching onto my dry sense of humor! (Although I realize that it doesn't manifest very well on-line as it does in real-life...)
  9. me_punctured

    One Thousand Posts!

    I have a sneaking suspicion that he was expecting grandeur. The rolling red carpet is the minimum. But it's only ten to the third. I'll wait until... he hits the ten to the fourth mark and then we can form a committee to discuss if we should plan a ceremony.
  10. me_punctured

    One Thousand Posts!

    To compensate for my lack of enthusiasm, I bring you...
  11. me_punctured

    One Thousand Posts!

  12. me_punctured

    Reasons Why the English Language is Hard to Learn

    He just did. He was able to retain some of his speech over the years. You will have to ask my friend when you meet him someday. Pardon my ignorance, but is there a reason why one cannot verbally enunciate using SEE? I'm not a SEE speaker and never was one.
  13. me_punctured

    Reasons Why the English Language is Hard to Learn

    Quite frankly, the mind of a hearing person baffles me to no end. ;) But there are always exceptions! I have a good friend who became stone deaf at the age of four and has remained that way since then. He grew up speaking Signed Exact English. His English is impeccable and flawless. I...
  14. me_punctured

    Reasons Why the English Language is Hard to Learn

    English Rules of Thub (sic) 1. Don't use no double negatives. 2. Make each pronoun agree with their antecedents. 3. Join clauses good, like a conjunction should. 4. About them sentence fragments. 5. When dangling, watch your participles. 6. Verbs has got to agree with...
  15. me_punctured

    Reasons Why the English Language is Hard to Learn

    :applause: :applause: :applause: :applause: :applause: :applause:
  16. me_punctured

    Reasons Why the English Language is Hard to Learn

    Speaking of the concept of dying, "die" and "dye" both exactly sound the same in English speech. So does "waist" and "waste." And "to", "too", and "two." How about words that are spelt exactly the same but contain different meanings? "Mean" and "mean" comes to mind. :) As a native English...
  17. me_punctured

    Reasons Why the English Language is Hard to Learn

    Yes, that's about correct. The number of vowels depends on the dialect of English. Linguists may interpret the findings differently, too. General North American English is relatively limited in the employment of vowels compared to Received Pronounciation.
  18. me_punctured

    Hi, from China

    Welcome to AD, moonteacher! How do you like Beijing Normal University? I have always been perplexed by its name, because there is another university, Beijing (Peking) University in the same city. Why the word "Normal?" I know BNU is a teacher-training institution, whereas Beida is a public...
  19. me_punctured

    Going to Gallaudet!

    We all were waiting for you to do it, Eyeth. ;) Thank you for sharing the information with us. I may prescribe to certain superstitions, but the Coffin Door isn't one of them. It's all in our minds, isn't it?
  20. me_punctured

    Spring is here!

    APRIL is the cruellest month, breeding Lilacs out of the dead land, mixing Memory and desire, stirring Dull roots with spring rain... ("The Wasteland", by T.S. Eliot, 1922)