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  1. J

    What are you thinking about Part VII

    Trying to figure out where to eat for late lunch.
  2. J

    What if......

    What if there is a world of Harry Potter and we're the muggles?
  3. J

    Hello Everyone

    Belated Welcome!
  4. J

    What if......

    What if pure clean water became a rarity and is traded like gold.
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    I Want Him

    Cute dude. He look like a pittie mix. Its bad with over population rite now. Be responsible and get him fixed. He will be healthier hopefully hes with you sooner than later.
  6. J

    Show Us Your Car(s)

    Nice ride!
  7. J

    Deaf, hearing relationships

    Love knows no boundaries. Deaf or hearing it wont matter if you end up loving him.
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    My "Naked" Truth

    Will always see beauty in each human being.
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    NY Court: Parents Can Spank Their Kids

    I was spanked when I was a kid. I ended up fine. It kept me in line.
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    How are you feeling today?....

    Hey its ok. The longer youre driving, you will get more comfortable with it. Dont give up.
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    Sports related injuries

    Broke arm playing hockey. Sliced leg open when skate went over it other time. Many chapped broken fingers playing basketball. Rolled ankle. Bruises by accident or intentional all over body. Lost count
  12. J


    Look at her join date. Shes from 2003 and im sure over the years computer changed and got ipad after this was created.
  13. J

    Haircut prank...

    Lol. Ending was cool. Its not for everyone but it made me lol.
  14. J

    Mom left child and dog in hot car

    I think its commonplace with low minded people. My GF before she was with me told me she was asked to have a baby with several different deaf men. I also was approached by 2 deaf women asking me if I didnt mind making a kid with them. :eek3: And agreed with debt being unknown. Anyone can...
  15. J

    NYPD Cop in Chokehold Death Loses Gun, Badge

    I dont see cops emotions being out of control in video. All I see is cops being professional trying to gain control of an emotional /disraught man that was obviously resisting or complying by aruging before it escalated into something worse. The cop let go as soon he was in control by his...
  16. J

    The Irony of Obamacare?

    Ha. Myself personally my insurance went up. I have insurance through work and company sent out memo that insurance was up 18% they tried to shop for different insurance and couldnt find cheaper plans. So stuck with same plan however atfer debating Instead of tiny annual pay increase none of us...
  17. J

    Interpreters with dreads

    Im okay with dreads as long as theyre taken care of. I dont want to be staring at an interp with unkept hair. Dreads might make it more difficult to keep the clean image but if a person is committed to the hairstyle. Then why not? I know my work does not allow weird color dyed hair in their...
  18. J

    Suggestions for Netflix?

    The orange is the new black is cool tv show but not for everyone. If you liked switched at birth you might like the fosters. I just finished watching the first season. Cool tv show.
  19. J

    Do you weight in who your significant other interact with before dating?

    Its an interesting question. Itll depend on the individual honestly. I didnt like some of my partners friends because theyre airheads and shallow into fashion etc while Im into football and dressing comfortable it would make it harder for me to relate to them as far as im concerned she can have...
  20. J

    Drug/Alcohol Addiction a Disease or a Choice?

    Totally understandable. I would be royally pissed myself. I have no sympathy for my family members who are alocholics. If they robbed or stole something from me I wouldnt let them get away with it personally.