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  1. Nic

    Driver changes tire in middle of I-95

    Wow... I'd be nervous enough changing a tire on the shoulder of a busy highway, but right in the middle?! Haha, crazy guy.
  2. Nic

    Deaf Protest, Washington, DC., Sept. 6-9

    If you're looking for other options, I know RIT has solid and well respected computer science and other computer technology programs. It look like the NTID program at RIT only goes through Associates and then BS would come from the College of Computing and Information Sciences at RIT. But...
  3. Nic

    Hello, i'm going Deaf. Should I learn ASL?

    In addition to these very valid points (I'm in the same boat and have come to the same conclusion), if you learn ASL you can still communicate when the batteries die, you misplace your device, there's a ton of background noise, etc. So even if you do go for CI/HA learn ASL too, it can't...
  4. Nic

    Windows 10 Upgrade free

    I took the plunge and upgraded to Windows 10 last night. The upgrade went smoothly. I don't think it took took too long but I'm not exactly sure how long, kicked it off then went and did other things. So far I'm happy with Windows 10 and I love the multi-desktop and other new multi-tasking new...
  5. Nic


    True enough. Early detection is key.
  6. Nic

    Hearing lesbian looking for ASL friends

    My bad, I assumed the better and should have assumed the worse. Disappointing. Maybe it's just that some folks haven't read the sticky on this forum.
  7. Nic

    Hearing lesbian looking for ASL friends

    But she didn't tell anyone to take a hike. And GLBT lounge is assumedly here for a reason...
  8. Nic

    Hearing lesbian looking for ASL friends

    It's more than language and sexuality, it's cultures, 2 of them. People like to socialize with people who are part of the same culture. OP was probably just looking for shared cultures.
  9. Nic

    Hearing lesbian looking for ASL friends

    It probably doesn't matter. The original post is old and the poster hasn't been on the site since December 2014 anyway. Just seems unwelcoming to make a big deal about someone being GLBT in the GLBT lounge.
  10. Nic

    Hearing lesbian looking for ASL friends

    Caz, she's posting in the GLBT Lounge; she identifies as being a lesbian and it's important enough to her that she feels she should come out right in her post and let folks know. It's not really for anyone else to question. She's open and sharing and nobody needs to judge her on that...
  11. Nic

    What you think about climate change?

    In terms of flooding, if all the ice in the world melted (unlikely all of it would) we'd realize a ~220ft (67M) increase in sea level. This would be a dramatic change in the landscape, but it wouldn't come close to wiping us out. It'd also happen over time and we'd have time to erect levees and...
  12. Nic

    Any One Here Suffer From A Mental Disorder?

    You don't have to be on meds or have a diagnosis to have a mental disorder, some people choose to deal with it differently, or choose to not deal with it at all. Depression is a mental disorder/illness, it's pretty common. It can be medically diagnosed and meds can sometimes "fix" it, but...
  13. Nic

    Do your town have red light camera?

    We have these in and around Seattle. I've never really understood the problem, just don't run red lights, how hard is that really?
  14. Nic

    Hey to you all

    Joshie, thank you for sharing your own experience and journey. I appreciate that a lot :) Hearing loss (more than mildly) is a new thing for me over the past couple years. I'm currently calling myself hard of hearing, I'd feel wrong calling myself Deaf at this point. I am learning ASL, I know I...
  15. Nic

    The Silencing of the Deaf [article]

    I think learning sign together would be a great way to bond with your deaf (or even hearing) child and I don't really understand why any hearing parent wouldn't step up to the challenge and do it. That said, it isn't easy and it takes time... So I kind of get it... but it seems selfish of the...
  16. Nic

    What did you learn today?

    Has it started yet? Hulu is sometimes a week or two behind.
  17. Nic


    I was told to never admit knowing COBOL or someone would offer you a really well paying job that you really really don't want. :-P DeafDucky should get the credit (blame?), he brought up the programming languages first :lol:
  18. Nic

    Deaf, hearing relationships

    I think just HOH, probably not half HOH. You're really either HOH or not, a little HOH is still HOH. But, how you identify, HOH, hearing, or d/Deaf, is a personal decision from what I've read. Whatever feels right to you, is right. I have severe loss in my right, but only mild to moderate in my...
  19. Nic

    windows 10

    I think DeafDucky's got it. Caz, if I were you, I'd run windows updates and make sure all the updates are installed, then try upgrading to Windows 10 again.
  20. Nic

    What did you learn today?

    It's available on hulu: