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  1. KerBear


    In my experience, the grammar rules for ASL are somewhat "backwards" as compared with spoken English. Note: I'm not saying that I think ASL is a "backwards" or lesser language; I'm merely saying that when compared with spoken English, ASL grammar can seem backwards. Where in spoken English I...
  2. KerBear


    Hi, Geoff, and welcome to the forum! Hmmm...I'm going to make a general comment about an emerging theme of this thread: I have to admit that I have no problem with the term "hearing impaired". I've operated in the hearing world for my entire life. I didn't have a significant hearing loss...
  3. KerBear

    Deaf Metis Woman Wins Human Rights Case (Deaf Doctor)

    In my opinion, it's disappointing coming from ANY field. (But yes, I agree with you that the medical and educational fields should have a little bit more understanding than the general population.) Statistically, when one considers the fact that 20% of the population has at least some degree of...
  4. KerBear

    Deaf Metis Woman Wins Human Rights Case (Deaf Doctor)

    This is great to see! A Deaf, Canadian Metis doctor was denied an ASL interpreter to complete her medical residency in Vancouver, B.C., and had to leave her medical program. She won her human rights case against the medical program and the hospital. This could be huge in terms of setting a...
  5. KerBear

    Second Hearing Aid - WOW!

    I picked up my Oticon Alta 2s today. (They're NOT the Pro version, just the regular version.) So far, so good. As of my last adjustment about 2 months ago, my old HAs were pretty much perfect, so my AudD basically just transferred the settings from my old ones to my new ones. I can't say the...
  6. KerBear

    Tiny home

    I love the idea of a tiny home! I think it's fabulous, and, if you don't need a bigger space, why have it? That just means there's more to clean. Who wants that? Not me. I think the size of your new house is perfect. I live in an affluent community. My hubby makes a very good salary, but we're...
  7. KerBear

    Second Hearing Aid - WOW!

    Hi Mike; Nope, I haven't lost all of my hearing! I guess I'm one of the "lucky" ones. EVA was only diagnosed in March via MRI, and it is only present on the one side, so who knows what happened there? My ENT says there are two current thoughts on EVA. The first is that it's a growth disorder...
  8. KerBear

    Second Hearing Aid - WOW!

    Yes, I got a hearing aid for slight-to-mild-loss. My hearing in my left (good) ear ranges from 20-35 dB, with the speech frequencies being between 30 and 35 dB, so for me, a hearing aid works and doesn't seem to be over amplifying other noises. I have a really, really good audiologist who knows...
  9. KerBear

    Creating new resource for people who are HOH and deaf

    I just checked out your website. The "About Us" page was nicely done!!! I like what you've set up so far. I may have some thoughts to share with you. If you're interested, PM me. Kerry
  10. KerBear

    Creating new resource for people who are HOH and deaf

    Lee; I'm from Canada, too! Welcome. I'm interested in a Canadian online resource. There's very little out there from a Canadian perspective, which has made the journey into hearing loss harder than I would have expected. U.S. and U.K. based websites seem to have very active forums for HOH and...
  11. KerBear

    Second Hearing Aid - WOW!

    I didn't word that right because I can't stream "directly" from my HAs to my phone. I'm sorry if I misled you. I have to use a streamer in order to hear my phone, iPod, etc. in my HAs. However, the sound is so amazing that I really don't mind using the streamer.
  12. KerBear

    Second Hearing Aid - WOW!

    Sappstter; Do you have EVA in both ears? I only have it in one ear, my right, confirmed by both an MRI and a CT scan. According to my ENT, with the number of significant head injuries I've had in my life I "should be deaf" in my right ear. But I'm not. We have no idea what's going on with my...
  13. KerBear

    Adjustment to late onset deafness

    Crickets; I had a very similar experience with my FIL. I've only known him for 7 years, but for the first 5, I didn't really *know* him because he was significantly HOH and refused to acknowledge it, so he rarely conversed with those around him. What finally convinced him to get HAs was me...
  14. KerBear

    I'm new

    Welcome to AD, Nicki! As one who's also getting used to losing hearing, I understand what you're saying about coming to the realization that your hearing isn't coming back. It gets easier to deal with as time goes by, though. I promise! Do you wear hearing aids? If you don't, would you...
  15. KerBear

    Second Hearing Aid - WOW!

    Laura; Thanks for your reply! I was told that because my hearing loss in my good ear was slight-to-mild, a hearing aid would essentially do nothing. It's not that I didn't *want* a second hearing aid (although I didn't at first!). But when I finally did *want* it, I was told it would be of...
  16. KerBear

    Second Hearing Aid - WOW!

    I don't post on this forum very often, but since the last few days have been somewhat life-altering, I thought I'd share my story in case anyone else might benefit. Here's a quick history. I had a "slight" hearing loss in the low frequencies only in my right ear from aged 4 until my twenties...
  17. KerBear

    Medical interpreting

    As a former medical professional, I have to say that I agree with what everyone else said: Your incredibly poorly written English and obvious inability to handle even the slightest amount of constructive criticism is alarming and very unprofessional. I would be incredibly concerned if the...
  18. KerBear

    Adjustment to late onset deafness

    horus11B; I'm sorry that your day was so rough. That must have been really frustrating! Why are you afraid to ask your employer for accommodations? Surely they would understand that they would help you to perform your job more easily?! Is there someone outside of your work situation who could...
  19. KerBear

    Adjustment to late onset deafness

    I know what voice off means, but I've read most of Glick Chick's posts, and she had mentioned that she didn't know ASL. That's why I was asking;) I wish more hearing people would learn ASL, but I know that's not going to happen. At least now, where I live, they are offering ASL as one of the...
  20. KerBear

    HOH Parent Meet Up

    That's a good idea. I guess I was also more thinking of getting people who are relatively new to hearing loss together, but maybe I need to be more generic than that.