Deafness will not be cured!! Only way is stem cells and I can't see the deaf going for those. It doesn't need to be cured but more awareness is needed!!
Over here, our health system gives them to us for free!! :) We usually get around 60. But sometimes if we're luckily we'll get 5 boxes with 10 packs of 6 in each :)
Today, I got up, dressed went to my driving lesson, came home, watched tv, had a nap , watched more tv and went on the internet!! :) but to be fair, I'm under the weather, not lazy!!
Re-read this thread!! My hearing aid does not have any programmes installed, maybe I'm too deaf? It's just one programme.
I have had it for 8 months now and I like it, but batteries only last from 3days to a week!!
Ugh.....speech therapy *thumbs down* Was made to start speech therapy when I was 12.. in my first year of high schoool. What a waste of time. I probably am no better than I was when I started ST.
I'm going to the ballet on Fri(:S the tickets originally wasn't for me but nobody will go so I have to) but at least I finish work at 5. Sis and I are going to London for a day's shopping trip on the 12th(about 210 miles) lots to see, christmas lights, hamleys(huge toy store) and Harrods!! Last...
Surprised nobody done this already but how about an email christmas card exchange? since it's getting close. E-cards would save us all money etc, but I will send Christmas Cards out to those whom I know/speak to a lot