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  1. L

    In The Future..

    Krissy, there is subtitles screenings in the UK for films but they are only at specific times only on specific films. They are usually on Tues, Sun and occasionally sat Subtitled cinema
  2. L

    Does CI affect some nerves?

    I can't remember exactly but along the lines. All patients and parents are told of the risks of being so close to the auditory nerve
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    wore hearing aids all my life... now 21

    It's your choice if you want to wear it or not, but you should definately enquire about your hearing aid
  4. L

    Does CI affect some nerves?

    Yeah, I do have issues with my right eye but only when they get the computer to run through electrodes. It's to do with the current leaking so close to the nerve or something(if i remember correctly) so my sound levels cannot really be increased anymore due to this.
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    Hating to use "spoken" English?

    Using spoken english does frustrate me most of the time, but I don't have a choice, me or my family aren't fluent in BSL, plus I don't think they'd start now. I suppose it would be so much easier communicating in sign, no misunderstandings etc. But weirdly, I can express myself better in written...
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    General rule in this section

    But what if parents want feedback from adult CI users?
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    Name Signs In BSL or ASL?

    I havent been assigned a sign name lOL Im sure somebody will give me one, one day
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    My Cochlear Implant

    Even with the CI, If i had my back turned I wouldn't be able to guess which of the three people are talking. I would still have to lipread.
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    treatment among your friends with c.i.

    My friends don't really care since I grew up with them at the school for deaf. Some of them got implanted at 2-3 years old but most wear hearing aids. They all sign of course so it doesn't really matter to us
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    Alder Hey, 600 children needs hearing retested!!

    Children asked to return for hearing tests - Telegraph The parents of some 600 children have been sent letters asking them to bring them in for another assessment at Alder Hey Children's Hospital in Liverpool. All were seen by a single doctor who worked in the audiology department from...
  11. L

    Hearing people's view of CI

    I got my implant, 11 years ago. I didn't get it cos I wanted to be "normal" It's just a tool to hear. Plus my CI is only on at work :P so most of the time I am totally deaf even with my HA.
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    Ava (24 months old) BSL Dinner Chat

    Ava has two deaf parents and that's nice to see that none of them will have any misunderstandings or frustrations with each other from the lack of communication skills!! I was a bit jealous of Ava too!! A famtastic proof that sign language in infants works well!!
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    How old is old? It depends on the age of who you ask

    Hmm, to me, 80 is old!!
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    dead bird again in Beebe,Arkansas

    There must be a world wide reason because this happened practically all over the world about few years ago. Seems like Sara only comes on here to post news...
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    Hi, I'm Amanda

    :welcome:, there is a Late Deafened Thread on here
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    Hello - Just Found Out I am Weird

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    Proof that laughter is contagious

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    New Year Resolutions

    Here's the correct link Life From The Front - Dispatches From Viking Bay: A Life So Far
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    go to the CI and Hearing aids thread!
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    you think 2012 will good year better than '11??

    2010 or 2011 wasn't too bad, i'm sure 2012 will be better :)